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I spent my income tax refund of $422 on a combined candle party/cocktail party

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    Me too...
    Filed: March 29, 2006
    341: April 21, 2006
    Discharged: June 28, 2006
    Closed:July 18, 2006:yahoo: :clapping: :yahoo: :clapping:


      Originally posted by fellowpoorman
      Well everyone don't get sucked into this one, he (or she) is one of them, they are monitoring this site to see what we are are saying. My last post here>
      hey sorry, I told the truth, took a cash advance knowing I might file, should have lied and played stupid like I didn't know. But, someone monitoring this site is a little too much ambitious thinking. This is turning into like Rovers posts, everybody screams foul. Hey isn't this turning into one of the stories from the bible?? Sorry I asked, wish I was what ever you wanted me to be, next time I will play stupid, and phrase it different like you guys.
      Last edited by queerguy; 03-31-2006, 08:16 PM.


        Originally posted by annikasaunt
        I have decided that you are really not here to help or to get help. I don't know why you are here. All you do is belittle people that are really trying to help people get through a very hard and stressful time.

        I thought you would tone it down, but I guess you have no interest in doing any such thing.

        Find another place to do your "thing" on, just not here anymore.
        You missed my point, thats fine, it is not your fault were you are today, and that school I dropped out of is to blame for how I turned out. I still respect your opinion, respect mine. sorry if i came off wrong.


          Originally posted by djk
          you are good for fraud. and being stupid, you actually came on a major baqnkruptcy forum and admitted that you took the advances with no intent to repay. "show me a brain" I really can't see too many here taking you seriously anymore, or wanting to help you.
          actually i was telling the truth, sharing may be stupid, but until I file, or don't pay that cash advance back, don't start picking up rocks for the town stoning yet.


            Originally posted by queerguy
            Don't get mad, but I had to have a little fun and dig some dirty laundry up from one of your old post, see I am bored.

            "We cashed out Hubby's retirement IRA to pay off debt. We've used up all our personal savings as well. We are BROKE.

            Every attny has said they wish we'd have come to them a year ago. They coulda saved us thousands of dollars. The IRA woulda been totally exempt. Untouchable. Instead, the money is gone trying to pay bills, we still have tons of debt, and we owe the IRS tons in income tax for having cashed out the IRA to begin with."

            Okay lets look at this:

            1 should of talked to atty first, i will, haven't yet
            2 shouldn't have cashed an asset in that was exempt, wish I had an asset like an IRA
            3 could have protected yourself better by planning, I would have, and I am not real bright, hell I used to work in a dirty bookstore how smart is that.
            4 brought an unneccary tax bill upon yourself, should have planned.

            we are all here because of the choices we made.

            I don't have to justify myself to anyone but God and the Court. But, you A$$ Hole, I'll give you a little synopsis.

            We had debt. I'll admit that. We lived on the edge. Medical bills come up, flash plastic. Major house repair, flash plastic. Unexpected life expenses, flash plastic.

            The Retirement IRA was cashed in to pay off a 2nd mortgage on the house. That caused the tax bill.

            Because unlike yourself, we were honestly attempting to pay our debts. That's how we drained our savings trying to pay our bills first while Hubby was unemployed, and then while we were supporting 2 households because Hubby got a job and had to move outa state. Circumstances just never corrected for us.

            BK never entered our minds. Because unlike you we are honest people who truly try to do what we say we will. If we borrow money, we fully intend to pay it back. There are no huge cash advances in our past. CC's can dig all they want. All they'll find are charges for groceries, and doctor's bills, and the repairman to fix the washing machine, and auto repair bills.

            We have nothing to hide.

            Unlike some people with a rather questionable lifestyle who throw parties with their income tax refund rather than pay bills.

            Yes I live in a glass house. And YES I am throwing stones.

            You are not an honest person here truly in need of our help, comfort, and support. You are a scam artist trying to learn any angle you can to work the system.

            I will pray for you. Because good, honest, heartfelt prayer will bring heaping coals of fire and damnation down upon the head of a person who does wrong. Your house of cards will tumble soon enough.

            You may come back with some sort of smart crack, but I am done with you. You've already wasted too may clicks on my keyboard.
            Filed Ch 7 - 09/06
            Discharged - 12/2006
            Officially Declared No Asset - 03/2007
            Closed - 04/2007

            I am not an attorney. My comments are based on personal experience and research. Always consult an attorney in your area to address concerns related to your particular situation.

            Another good thing about being poor is that when you are seventy your children will not have declared you legally insane in order to gain control of your estate. - Woody Allen...


              Originally posted by queerguy
              actually i was telling the truth, sharing may be stupid, but until I file, or don't pay that cash advance back, don't start picking up rocks for the town stoning yet.
              i was commenting on your stated position of taking the advances knowing that you would file, that's fraud, that's stupid, and that's the truth. and by the way, leaving the apt with water running into the bathtub was exceptionally stupid also. playing the sexual orientation card in a forum like this is also stupid cause nobody cares. ("show me a brain") it is rather amazing at times what the gene pool can produce, IMHO.


                We are a support forum and not here to judge you however, we do take our posts seriously. It is not that we don't have fun on this forum - we do - but if you seriously want help/support we are here to offer it to you. If you are making a mockery of this forum please stay away. We all have very emotional and painful issues to deal with in filing BK and this is not the time or place to "play us." Personally, it is hard for me to believe anyone would leave a bathtub running for days. Give me a break. As for the cash advances you better believe the almighty trustee will go over them with a magnifying glass. My husband and I filed BK last year. Before our case was discharged we were taken before the Trustee firing squad. She demanded years of bank statements, receipts, etc., and when we had our 2004 Exam with her she questioned us about every check over $600. Fortunately, we could justify them. We truly had nothing to hide. We did not have any cash advances but we did have a high income and that raises a red flag not to mention the fact our case was filed under the old law - pre-October. Going through the process of BK is no walk in the park. Minny has told you in no uncertain terms they will question any and everything they believe might constitute BK fraud. And given the fact we dont judge - you should not either. We all have our hard luck stories but no one has to justify why they filed. It is their own business. We are all hypersensitive to the whole issue of BK and even though we dont know each other personally, this forum has become a lifeline for each one of us. I find myself being defensive of posters like sinkingfast who has been on this forum, like me, for some time. Minny is the coordinator of this forum and she has the power to banish anyone she wants from this forum so again dont tick her off..


                  I agree with edwards2. BK was such an emotional event in my life. At times I did not feel I would ever get through it. Desperation is what most of us feel when the decision to file becomes necessary. I went through my iRA funds also trying to stay afloat. A comment was made to me recently on this board about fraud and I felt insulted. We are all doing the best we can to make it through. I did file and am closed but the turmoil continues. I know I cannot be late on a payment and don't want to lose my house. Making silly comments and jokes on this forum is an insult to all that utilize the great information available.
                  Just my 2 cents...............


                    Filing bankruptcy is not a joke - nor is it a game!!

                    It's a very serious, mind and life altering decision that we make.

                    What forces us to make that decision varies from poor planning, poor decisions we make, medical emergencies, and spiraling circumstances often out of our own control.

                    No one on this form is in better shape than the next person..... We've all claimed bankruptcy or are, or are going too......

                    Many of us will maintain part of our assets, some will loose part or all.... depending on our circumstances.

                    This forum deals with the questions that attorneys DON'T ANSWER.....

                    1. The panic we feel of being out of control in our lives.

                    2. The thoughts of loosing everything we have worked so
                    hard for because a cc company raise rates to 30% due
                    to me being late 1 day on a payment.

                    3. Will I ever own a home again, how can I? Will they take my auto?

                    4. Is my hard earned retirement down the tubes?

                    5. Will they sell my family heirlooms?

                    6. How will I deal with the stigma of filing bankruptcy? The shame! The comments of neighbors and family?

                    7. How do I deal with the anxiety of whats going to happen? What will happen during the bankruptcy process?

                    8. The help and support of others going thru the same thing as I am.

                    9. How does this affect my kids, will they understand?

                    10. How do I handle the stress of it all? It affects my life, my marriage, my job, my physicall and mental health!

                    This Forum covers a lot of these areas for which NO ONE has answers when they start the process - thus they feel alone and in limbo.....


                    No one is here to judge or to be judged!

                    Since our forum is made up of many nationalties and all kinds of people -
                    We try not to get into too many deep conversations regarding race, religious beliefs, political agendas, or sexual preferences. It really has nothing to do with bankruptcy. BANKRUPTCY SHOWS NO MERCY TO ANYONE!!!

                    We try to calm each others fears and anxiety about bankruptcy and how we ourselves are dealing with it - hoping just talking about it will help each other or someone else.

                    Since our FORUM is ABOUT BANKRUPTCY we limit the content to revolve around bankruptcy.

                    We do have a General Discussion area where we talk about many things. Suggestive or sexual comments are normally warned and can be banned.... This is not the site for such material, too many other sites out there in cyber space available for those issues.....

                    We look forward to questions, suggestons, you voicing your experience regarding bankruptcy, and your comments and suggestions for other members.

                    We take pride in our Forum and we want you too also..........

                    We are a bankrutpcy family,

                    My thoughts,

                    Last edited by Minnymouth; 04-01-2006, 01:44 PM.

                    "It's amazing the paths that our feet sometimes follow in life".

                    My suggestions are from "personal experience" and research only. Do not consider this as legal advice. Each bankruptcy case is different.


                      Its okay Queerguy,
                      I took tons of groundfire like you did, my posts were always looked at as being fraudulent even though I operated within the laws. Ended up deleting over 100 posts, why contribute, my advice don't post, enjoy reading as once an a while you can pick some things up. There was a relatively new poster named Rover, and people jumped all over him within his first ten post, he has since drifted back into the woodwork like alot of good posters. I liked that bkfiler and a few others they have evaporated too.
                      Last edited by scammer; 04-02-2006, 09:06 AM.


                        there is............

                        Hi, all. You have responded to all my posts with my appreciation. Sometimes we endure experience we don't need to have.....

                        And I am happy to see scammer is back....(he made it interesting, bkfiler would've been my first choice..........




                          boy, the things some people do to stir it up and get a reaction.

                          Remember folks, this is a forum, unfortunately someone with lots of time on their hands can and will come here to entertain themsleves. (SF be careful, your buttons are probably being pushed on purpose, and he/she sure as heck aint worth letting it get to you).

                          I know forums all too well....patterns, wording, reactive signatures of someone's style (personality) of writing. I won't say the names (2 or 3), but theres been some here that I've picked up experience in dealing with administrating forums, dealing with name changers and sometimes having to ban some people are part of why I'm responding to this.
                          When it all boils down to it, its just numbers! Your credit score, your interest rate, your bank account, and your net worth if you're fortunate enough to have your happiness really defined by numbers?


                            Human behavior never ceases to fascinate me! The things people will do for attention . . .
                            Filed: 2/24/2006
                            341 mtg: 4/4/2006:angel:
                            Discharged: 9/25/08!!!!!:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:


                              Originally posted by scammer
                              Its okay Queerguy,
                              I took tons of groundfire like you did, my posts were always looked at as being fraudulent even though I operated within the laws. Ended up deleting over 100 posts, why contribute, my advice don't post, enjoy reading as once an a while you can pick some things up. There was a relatively new poster named Rover, and people jumped all over him within his first ten post, he has since drifted back into the woodwork like alot of good posters. I liked that bkfiler and a few others they have evaporated too.
                              Ya know... I was one of those who figured you were a troll when you first started posting.... mostly because of your user name.

                              I have to admit though, that many of your later posts I found to be interesting if not useful. I am sorry for any negative comments that I may have made that encouraged you to "evaporate".

                              Queerguy - I don't think you're looking at fraud. Personally I think that you, like many others, knew that you MIGHT have to file bk, but were still trying to head it off and made the cash advances because you didn't see any other way (short of bk) to stay afloat. I call it my "wishful thinking" mistakes. I figure that SOMETHING will happen and get better or help me out... and when it doesn't happen... I have to pay the price.

                              My opinion? depending on how much you owe, $3600 may or may not be a big deal... if you owe a total of $10k... probably a big deal... if you owe $100k... probably not.

                              Good luck!
                              Filed Ch. 7 Pro-Se: 10/12/06
                              341: 11/6/06 (went AMAZINGLY well!)
                              Discharge: 1/12/07


                                Thanks Lostone,
                                I think your right, Less than $4,000 could fall either way. I have been doing less typing and more reading. Seen similiar situations go both ways. I guess being honest didn't buy me any friends. Next time I am not going to be so straightforward like I was. I dont think these boards are monitored and find that to be a little far fetched.
                                Thanks for answering I am going to try to hold back a little before filing.
                                Thanks edwards2, and others for your comments. CH what are you the forum detective, reactive signatures?? Yes, I have to admit, I have 2 much time on my hands being out of work and all. You know forums all to well, sounds like you need to get away too. So instead of hanging out on a few forums, I am taking up walking for excercise. By the way Rover said something funny the other day, once you start posting you can't stop. Do you know that is true! But since I do not have that much knowledge to add, I am better reading, and getting outside.

                                CH by the way is that a picture of the camaro concept car, there was a 60 minutes special on GM the other night, I think that thing was on there?
                                Last edited by queerguy; 04-04-2006, 03:44 PM.


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