Thank you Justbroke for your reply.
I guess i dont know what definition of "joint debt" you mean. We actually have NO debt that has both names on it if that is what you mean by it. I have a truck payment and a federal tax payment i make. All the debt she would be claiming ( both houses...3 credit cards and a personal loan ) are in her name only and were incurred for the most part long before we got married.
She wants to get out from under the house that is still languishing on the market and that she has stopped making payments on finally. She owes 110k on it and its valued at about 50k at the moment. Obviously we want to keep our present house, which she just purchased a few months ago.
I guess i dont know what definition of "joint debt" you mean. We actually have NO debt that has both names on it if that is what you mean by it. I have a truck payment and a federal tax payment i make. All the debt she would be claiming ( both houses...3 credit cards and a personal loan ) are in her name only and were incurred for the most part long before we got married.
She wants to get out from under the house that is still languishing on the market and that she has stopped making payments on finally. She owes 110k on it and its valued at about 50k at the moment. Obviously we want to keep our present house, which she just purchased a few months ago.