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what could we use as paystubs because my husbands boss gives him personal checks with no paystubs. and yes he is paid on the books, we do are taxes every year he is just to cheap to pay a payroll company.
Are you filing yourselves (pro-se) or using an attorney? The BK or UST trustee get to make the call on how documented they want it. If you are using a local attorney they might know the trustees in your district and how strict they are on these things. But if not, submit something that spells it out; how he gets paid, where it gets deposited, bank statements w/ the pay deposits highlighted. If the trustee isn't happy with it, they will tell you what other documentation they want.
Good luck w/ your case!
Tom in Colo
Ch7 filed 5/12/2010.....341 meeting 6/30/ of no distribution 8/15/2010.....discharged 10/01/2010.....closed 11/09/2010
I was never asked for paystubs even though I brought them to my 341. Actually the only paperwork I produced was my tax return sent to TT's office and the receipt for my filing fee. I was pro se Ch 7 under median though. Think it depends on your TT.
A fresh start is a beautiful thing. And I'm not an attorney, just opinionated!
Even if your husband doesn't get copies of the pay stub, most business checks have a "pay stub" attached to the check ledger where the employer puts in gross pay and deductions for taxes. I'd have your DH ask about that and see if he can get copies of those. If not, the employer should still have some sort of record of gross pay and withholdings to keep track of taxes so he should be able to make out a payroll statement for your husband.
My wife had the same problem. She works for a lady privately in her home. She receives a check with no stub at all. She has taxes and fica withheld, but we have no idea how much exactly until the end of the year.
We were told by our attorney to get a letter from the accountant that showed her gross and net for each of the last six months.
We never had a problem and we're in the 60 day club.
Stopped charging 6-1-10 - Filed 1-25-11 - 341 2-24-11 - Discharged 4-26-11 - Closed 4-29-11
Any opinion I give is strictly that! I am not a lawyer.