I just read a number of threads about a Landlord finding out, or not, about a BK filing. The responses were somewhat conflicting so here's the position I'm in with this situation. Looking for any helpful advice to do this correctly...
I am renting an apartment. My one year lease expired two years ago and I have been renting month-to-month ever since. I have never been late, have a good relationship with the owner, and of course have a security deposit in place (I did include the security deposit on Schedule B and C)
Since I have never been late on my payments and plan on staying for awhile is there any reason to include the landlord's information in my filing, specifically Schedule G and the matrix?
Thanks in advance for all input...
I am renting an apartment. My one year lease expired two years ago and I have been renting month-to-month ever since. I have never been late, have a good relationship with the owner, and of course have a security deposit in place (I did include the security deposit on Schedule B and C)
Since I have never been late on my payments and plan on staying for awhile is there any reason to include the landlord's information in my filing, specifically Schedule G and the matrix?
Thanks in advance for all input...