I wore a solid color blouse and black dress pants. 'Hub had grey dress pants, white shirt, and navy blazer--no tie--and we were the best dressed in the room. We had no clue how to dress, but we thought we should be 'business casual', and that we were.
JEM, as far as your foot situation, there was another occasion where I had to attend a meeting wearing 'business casual', and I had a fractured knee with a leg brace. It was black, so I wore the black pants and folded the leg brace over it and was fine.
Good luck to you.
JEM, as far as your foot situation, there was another occasion where I had to attend a meeting wearing 'business casual', and I had a fractured knee with a leg brace. It was black, so I wore the black pants and folded the leg brace over it and was fine.
Good luck to you.