I don't know if any of you will remember me. I was posting a lot on here starting about a year ago. We filed in April and were discharged and closed in August.
Life sure is funky. As soon as you cross one bridge you immediately start the journey to the next. The not so good part. Literally two weeks after our discharge I wound up in the ER and have been seeing a neurologist monthly ever since. We're not sure what's going on with me for sure but possible Multiple Sclerosis has been mentioned. So financially we've been hit a little hard with all the tests and doc visits I've had. Just had a another MRI the last week of December and owe over $300 for it.
Luckily my husbands hours at work went up in September! The good part! Woohoo, first time he's worked more than a 40 hour week in two years. I got my old job back working part time, so we're doing much better! I'll be able to pay for that MRI and not have to worry and stress over it.
We can finally breathe!
It's such a great feeling paying for everything in cash. I can go to a department store and buy whatever it may be that we need and fork over cash and not have to worry about credit limits and borrowing from our grocery fund or just having to fore go getting what we need. I actually bought my self some jeans last night for the first time in 2 years and don't owe anybody anything. The jeans are mine, bought and paid for!
We still stick to our budget but have given ourselves some leeway. We can afford to go to the movies or take the kids bowling so we do. I still experience that nagging in the back of my mind telling me not to do it, to not spend that money, but we went without for so long that I have to now force myself to relax when it comes to spending on things like that. A movie or bowling would have been unheard of in our house a year ago.
There was so much stress this time last year. I spent so much time obsessing over our income and expenses and worrying about the 341 and so and so forth. I can honestly say I wouldn't change any of it. Now if my body would just co-operate and quit giving me trouble we'll be all set, LOL!
Tax time is coming up and I'll be contacting our attorney about getting our refund to our trustee. We have to do that in our district. Sucks but it is what it is. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed though, maybe the trustee won't bother with our refund. It isn't going to be very big.
Anyway- I was thinking of this forum today and thought I'd post an update. I remember a lot of you and hope you are all doing well and are happy.
Life sure is funky. As soon as you cross one bridge you immediately start the journey to the next. The not so good part. Literally two weeks after our discharge I wound up in the ER and have been seeing a neurologist monthly ever since. We're not sure what's going on with me for sure but possible Multiple Sclerosis has been mentioned. So financially we've been hit a little hard with all the tests and doc visits I've had. Just had a another MRI the last week of December and owe over $300 for it.
Luckily my husbands hours at work went up in September! The good part! Woohoo, first time he's worked more than a 40 hour week in two years. I got my old job back working part time, so we're doing much better! I'll be able to pay for that MRI and not have to worry and stress over it.
We can finally breathe!
It's such a great feeling paying for everything in cash. I can go to a department store and buy whatever it may be that we need and fork over cash and not have to worry about credit limits and borrowing from our grocery fund or just having to fore go getting what we need. I actually bought my self some jeans last night for the first time in 2 years and don't owe anybody anything. The jeans are mine, bought and paid for!

We still stick to our budget but have given ourselves some leeway. We can afford to go to the movies or take the kids bowling so we do. I still experience that nagging in the back of my mind telling me not to do it, to not spend that money, but we went without for so long that I have to now force myself to relax when it comes to spending on things like that. A movie or bowling would have been unheard of in our house a year ago.
There was so much stress this time last year. I spent so much time obsessing over our income and expenses and worrying about the 341 and so and so forth. I can honestly say I wouldn't change any of it. Now if my body would just co-operate and quit giving me trouble we'll be all set, LOL!
Tax time is coming up and I'll be contacting our attorney about getting our refund to our trustee. We have to do that in our district. Sucks but it is what it is. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed though, maybe the trustee won't bother with our refund. It isn't going to be very big.
Anyway- I was thinking of this forum today and thought I'd post an update. I remember a lot of you and hope you are all doing well and are happy.