I need to file so badly. I have lost everything and I need a place to stay (temporarily staying with a relative and I have to be out at the end of the month) and a car and I have neither. My credit score is in the very low 500s and I don't have the money to pay anyone. I'm trying to get the money up just for a BK and that's coming slow. I hope my life improve here and I don't have anything to lose, so why an I so scared to file? I almost feel like I am jumping in water too deep for me to swim and I'm drowning in the pool I'm in. I was going to try and work with my creditors and see if I can get some pay for deletes, but one of my good friends is telling me to forget them and look out for me. I have to be crazy. I feel like I'm committing an act that I will never recover from. Please someone tell me that it will be okay and I will survive. I need to hear that right now over and over. I'm scared folks. Really scared.
