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ahhh artgood,
doesn't that dance feel great. I slept for a couple days after my 341. Hadn't slept very well in a long time.
If you think you're doin a great dance now.....just wait till your discharge & close.
Those are called Happy Feet.
filed: 8/10 ...341:10/8/10 ... Discharged & Close: 12/9/10
"Nothing is easy to the unwilling" Thomas Fuller
Filed 5/31/11 341 & Report of No Distribution 7/28/11Discharged & Closed!! 9/29/11 "What I won't accept or buy any longer is that my credit score defines who I am. Screw that."
Congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing that in my future! Wishing you a peaceful holiday now!
04/01/10 - Hit rock bottom and knew we were going to have to file for bankruptcy and surrender our home. 12/14/10 - Filed Chapter 7, 02/09/11 - 341 Hearing, 04/14/11 -