Hello all,
Terrific forum you have here, with tons of great info and helpful people!
Like many on this forum, as I sit here now, I have terrific credit. Have never missed any payments and have literally gone without food to make a CC payment on time. Most of my debt (personal) was incurred for my business of 22 years. Very bad economic conditions, rising operating costs and reduced sales have lead me to the hard decision to file personal BK7. My fiance and I are also expecting our first baby this January and I can no longer be solely focused on the survival of my business. After numerous consultations with BK attorneys, I have just sent my first deposit to begin the process.
My attorney advised me to stop paying my CCs. Mentally, this is very challenging for me as I have so trained myself to protect my credit at all costs. I know I must let this train of thought go. This week I will miss my first CC payment, the rest will be much easier.
My question is, How long, generally speaking, after a person stops paying CCs do things like lawsuits and judgments take place? My fiance is in her 3rd trimester, I am trying to avoid things like the Sheriff at the door handing me summonses. Trying to keep this as minimally upsetting to the household as possible.
Also, is it OK to change banks (personal checking) before filing? My checking account is held with a bank that I also have a large CC balance with.
Lastly, over the years I have paid my CCs online using both my personal checking account as well as my business checking account for business charges. I have no loans or CCs with the bank my business is with. Can the CC companies "reach" into my business account because they have that info on file from prior online payments? None of the CCs are in my business name.
Many thanks from a very nervous dad to be!
Terrific forum you have here, with tons of great info and helpful people!
Like many on this forum, as I sit here now, I have terrific credit. Have never missed any payments and have literally gone without food to make a CC payment on time. Most of my debt (personal) was incurred for my business of 22 years. Very bad economic conditions, rising operating costs and reduced sales have lead me to the hard decision to file personal BK7. My fiance and I are also expecting our first baby this January and I can no longer be solely focused on the survival of my business. After numerous consultations with BK attorneys, I have just sent my first deposit to begin the process.
My attorney advised me to stop paying my CCs. Mentally, this is very challenging for me as I have so trained myself to protect my credit at all costs. I know I must let this train of thought go. This week I will miss my first CC payment, the rest will be much easier.
My question is, How long, generally speaking, after a person stops paying CCs do things like lawsuits and judgments take place? My fiance is in her 3rd trimester, I am trying to avoid things like the Sheriff at the door handing me summonses. Trying to keep this as minimally upsetting to the household as possible.
Also, is it OK to change banks (personal checking) before filing? My checking account is held with a bank that I also have a large CC balance with.
Lastly, over the years I have paid my CCs online using both my personal checking account as well as my business checking account for business charges. I have no loans or CCs with the bank my business is with. Can the CC companies "reach" into my business account because they have that info on file from prior online payments? None of the CCs are in my business name.
Many thanks from a very nervous dad to be!