This is the initial information, Current Expenses, that I am filling out for the Attorney. I've been reading everyone who shares theirs and I can't tell if there is something alarming on mine or not. Or how much I need to explain. Appreciate any feedback.
2 people
2 mortgages
both employed
Monthly Gross Income $4193
Take home (after taxes, insurance, HSA): $3184
Mortgage 1 & 2: $1319
Electric/Heating: $180
Water: $27
Telephone - 2 cells and basic home line: $180
Trash: $15
DirecTV: $130
Home Maintenance: $100 (salt, gas for mower, general fix up for 17 year old wood frame)
Food: $400 (includes any cheap lunches out)
Clothing: $50
Laundry/Dry cleaning: $25
Medical/Dental: $350 (high deductible insurance, chronic conditions, easily proved)
Transportation: $400 - Gas and Maint. for 2 cars (one with 90-100 mile commute each day)
Entertainment: $50
Auto Insurance: $78 (for two cars)
Car payment: $390
401K Loan repayment (auto out of check): $116
HSA contribution: $38.46
Personal Hygiene: $60 (hair cuts, makeup/hair/body products)
Pet Care: $25
Am I missing anything? Does something really jump out at you?
2 people
2 mortgages
both employed
Monthly Gross Income $4193
Take home (after taxes, insurance, HSA): $3184
Mortgage 1 & 2: $1319
Electric/Heating: $180
Water: $27
Telephone - 2 cells and basic home line: $180
Trash: $15
DirecTV: $130
Home Maintenance: $100 (salt, gas for mower, general fix up for 17 year old wood frame)
Food: $400 (includes any cheap lunches out)
Clothing: $50
Laundry/Dry cleaning: $25
Medical/Dental: $350 (high deductible insurance, chronic conditions, easily proved)
Transportation: $400 - Gas and Maint. for 2 cars (one with 90-100 mile commute each day)
Entertainment: $50
Auto Insurance: $78 (for two cars)
Car payment: $390
401K Loan repayment (auto out of check): $116
HSA contribution: $38.46
Personal Hygiene: $60 (hair cuts, makeup/hair/body products)
Pet Care: $25
Am I missing anything? Does something really jump out at you?