Single, no children, state is MD
58K/year income
183K mortgage (home worth maybe 150K now), 32K CCs,
car paid in full, 75K student loans (currently in deferment for another year)
I am new to these boards, but have done a crap-ton worth of reading, so I appreciate help in advance! You guys are all wonderful for all the support you give people like myself everyday, so thank you, thank you, thank you so much!
I have 3 dilemmas, really.
The first is my last student loan payment. I used about 8K in student loans to wipe away 2-3 credit cards with outstanding charges on them in order to bring my month payments down, as it was the only way I was able to stay afloat. At the time, CH 7 never entered my mind at all, as I was still working to pay it all down, as they say.
Second is my car…I am gonna need a new car soon, and am contemplating whether to get it now so I lock in a good interest rate, or wait til after BK is over when I will (hopefully) have a lot of cash saved up.
The third is my tax refunds…I get about 6.3K back each year from Fed+State tax refunds. Please spare me the lectures about this, as I never saw myself looking at Ch 7, and this method always worked well for me with regards to paying for car insurance all at once, vacation with family each year, car maintenance work, etc. I know better for the future, but being it’s the end of the year now, I’ll be getting a big refund in March regardless.
For the most part, the rest of my case is pretty cut n dry…no child support/alimony, always fully employed (never self employed), just got too much unsecured debt and need it gone.
Now, I spoke with a lawyer (really 2 from the same firm) yesterday which I really like (they have good reviews online from a few people and I got a reference from a friend, so I am hopeful they are good), for which I had gone to for discussing a short sale on the house. It was there that I was convinced that if I wasn’t concerned with the credit hit, then a Ch 7 was likely the best option for me because of all the unsecured debt.
As noted, my original goal was to get rid of my mortgage. I am 28 years old, and the principle interest will be kicking in with 1 year (on interest only now), and that combined with student loans would jack my debt up to $750 per month instantly. Combining this with needing a new car soon (current one is 8 years old and 120K miles, and starting to go downhill), and I would be underwater.
I have a few questions:
1. I am thinking of just retaining the lawyer now, explain the student loan paying on the credit cards, and seeing what he says about it. The other option is to just wait til early April to get the lawyer and move forward from there.
Anyone else ever done this? Like I said, hindsight is 20/20 and I would never do it again, but it was the only way I could feasibly knock off debt at the time to stay afloat month to month. I am just worried that a Trustee would take me to town on this. Other than this though, it’s clear I have been paycheck-to-paycheck since forever.
2. Should I get a car now or wait til February/March for the tax refund? I should preface this with I have parents who are willing to co-sign as the primary on any outstanding note (they have amazing credit), so I don’t think interest rate would be a big deal either way, but I was thinking this would be a good place to use some of that refund as a down payment on a new car. With the trade-in value on my current car, plus the refund, I could pay off 50% of the car upfront I think. I am not sure if using the refund to front a new car is wise though…
So basically….should I just wait another 5 months for the student loan cc payment to fall off? This was mid Sept that this happened, so if I am turning over 6 months of bank and cc statements to the lawyer upfront as requested in early April (so Oct-Mar), then neither he nor the Trustee would really know about it once I file, correct? I don’t want to seem like I am hiding anything, I just don’t want 1 bad decision to cause me to get in serious flipping trouble.
How easy is it to get a car at a decent interest rate after BK? I have read around I know some of the people here are noting they got one like 4 days after discharge/closing/etc., but I am curious is it really that easy?
Thanks, and sorry for the long post. I am just really anxious to move on with life at this point. This debt has kept me up for way too many sleepless nights
Single, no children, state is MD
58K/year income
183K mortgage (home worth maybe 150K now), 32K CCs,
car paid in full, 75K student loans (currently in deferment for another year)
I am new to these boards, but have done a crap-ton worth of reading, so I appreciate help in advance! You guys are all wonderful for all the support you give people like myself everyday, so thank you, thank you, thank you so much!
I have 3 dilemmas, really.
The first is my last student loan payment. I used about 8K in student loans to wipe away 2-3 credit cards with outstanding charges on them in order to bring my month payments down, as it was the only way I was able to stay afloat. At the time, CH 7 never entered my mind at all, as I was still working to pay it all down, as they say.
Second is my car…I am gonna need a new car soon, and am contemplating whether to get it now so I lock in a good interest rate, or wait til after BK is over when I will (hopefully) have a lot of cash saved up.
The third is my tax refunds…I get about 6.3K back each year from Fed+State tax refunds. Please spare me the lectures about this, as I never saw myself looking at Ch 7, and this method always worked well for me with regards to paying for car insurance all at once, vacation with family each year, car maintenance work, etc. I know better for the future, but being it’s the end of the year now, I’ll be getting a big refund in March regardless.
For the most part, the rest of my case is pretty cut n dry…no child support/alimony, always fully employed (never self employed), just got too much unsecured debt and need it gone.
Now, I spoke with a lawyer (really 2 from the same firm) yesterday which I really like (they have good reviews online from a few people and I got a reference from a friend, so I am hopeful they are good), for which I had gone to for discussing a short sale on the house. It was there that I was convinced that if I wasn’t concerned with the credit hit, then a Ch 7 was likely the best option for me because of all the unsecured debt.
As noted, my original goal was to get rid of my mortgage. I am 28 years old, and the principle interest will be kicking in with 1 year (on interest only now), and that combined with student loans would jack my debt up to $750 per month instantly. Combining this with needing a new car soon (current one is 8 years old and 120K miles, and starting to go downhill), and I would be underwater.
I have a few questions:
1. I am thinking of just retaining the lawyer now, explain the student loan paying on the credit cards, and seeing what he says about it. The other option is to just wait til early April to get the lawyer and move forward from there.
Anyone else ever done this? Like I said, hindsight is 20/20 and I would never do it again, but it was the only way I could feasibly knock off debt at the time to stay afloat month to month. I am just worried that a Trustee would take me to town on this. Other than this though, it’s clear I have been paycheck-to-paycheck since forever.
2. Should I get a car now or wait til February/March for the tax refund? I should preface this with I have parents who are willing to co-sign as the primary on any outstanding note (they have amazing credit), so I don’t think interest rate would be a big deal either way, but I was thinking this would be a good place to use some of that refund as a down payment on a new car. With the trade-in value on my current car, plus the refund, I could pay off 50% of the car upfront I think. I am not sure if using the refund to front a new car is wise though…
So basically….should I just wait another 5 months for the student loan cc payment to fall off? This was mid Sept that this happened, so if I am turning over 6 months of bank and cc statements to the lawyer upfront as requested in early April (so Oct-Mar), then neither he nor the Trustee would really know about it once I file, correct? I don’t want to seem like I am hiding anything, I just don’t want 1 bad decision to cause me to get in serious flipping trouble.
How easy is it to get a car at a decent interest rate after BK? I have read around I know some of the people here are noting they got one like 4 days after discharge/closing/etc., but I am curious is it really that easy?
Thanks, and sorry for the long post. I am just really anxious to move on with life at this point. This debt has kept me up for way too many sleepless nights