Originally posted by AbeVigoda
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also pick as many brains as you can to gather and collect as many ideas as possible.
each situation is different, most in different states where different laws apply....we were not quite the age of your parents, but closely and rapidly reaching what we thought were going to be our "golden" years....when all this economic crisis hit us right over the head. i doubt, as with us, that your parents situation has to do with poor money managment skills...we always lived within our means etc.
i hate to give you a blow by blow...but this is what we did.
so...basically we had a mortgage more than what your parents had
illness hit us so one of our high salaries was gone
time passes
slowly but surely the medical cost began to build since we reached ins. co. max.
we had investments...cashed them in.....ALL......401's, stocks, bonds, name it we cashed it.......
used money to live
time passes
the other one lost their job
tried to work with the mortgage company on a loan mod....according to them we still made too much
while working on the loan mod...actually we were always on time with our bills but were told by the bank we MUST be 3 months behind the mortgage to apply for loan mod
time passes...into over 1 year and 1/2
waited months and heard nothing.
called to undate with the bank and they said it should be soon now....it was we were served with a summons of foreclosure.
now...we had already decided after months of waiting on the bank that even if they did in fact give us a loan mod we could and would never pay off this house and it was killing us. so after tears and fears we made the sound business decision to let it go.
we contacted an atty...he said we could stay there as long as we want up until the shreiff's sale...but we couldn't because the cost alone...and we had all but 3 rooms shut off...was over 1200.00 month for utilities.
more time passes....monies cash in at this point are no where to be found......we needed to live after all.
so we were advised by the atty to lock it and leave it
surrendered one car
no foreclosure date set
we didn't...i called the bank mod officer and told him
we left...we are staying at a relatives home that is empty and paying all the expenses. they told us we may be able to purchase it from them in the future.
we left no forwarding address or phone numbers
time passes
no foreclosure date set
we wait until we can file in the new state....
we file
any questions all time tables questionable can truthfully be answered "no".
it's now going on 3 years...we have and listed a docket number on the petition for the forclosure and surrendered the property...but they still have not foreclosed. the bk was discharged so although our names are still on the deed until the foreclosure sale takes place or the bank agrees to sign a warranty deed and general release they don't have clear title, but we have no further financial obligation....unless there were hoa due...which in our class there were not.
once we get our credit built back up to get a mortgage we will buy this house. but not until then. so NO we did NOT buy anything...we went to court with the shirts on our back...(actually i had a dress on).
get as much info as possible...once again...every single situation is different. we spent our monies living..we had nothing to hide...there was nothing left at that point.
hope that helps