Originally posted by StaciMM
I guess I have found the true worth of the advice on this web site. Frankly, I find this assertion while probably technically correct, practically absurd. Are you getting this opinion from some past legal counsel ? The 3 attorneys we have spoken to don't seem to find an issue here.
We had the ability to repay right up until the minimum payments nearly doubled. Household income (i.e. MY income) was affording us the ability to repay the debt and the new bankruptcy law very clearly accounts for this in the fact that the means test forces people in our situation to account for household income. We are only deducting from CMI that portion of my income that is used for MY personal debt obligations thereby leaving the rest of my disposable income to the scrutiny of the means test. It just so happens that the rest of the IRS allowable deductions leave us under the threshold for eligibility for Chapter 13.
Like I said, it's pretty difficult to prove we didn't have BOTH the intent & ability to repay when we very clearly did for better than 3 years. At least that is what our attorney tells us.