This question is really about how different creditors get paid off and what assets they have access to. We are in Florida.
If we didn't have rentals we would be fine.
We have less than $10k in credit card debt (mostly promotional deals)
We have about $30k in the bank + our personal property, a car worth $8k, and one with zero equity due to the loan that's on it.
Our problem is that we have $1.5M in mortgage debt and our tenant's financial problems have turned into our financial problems. We can no longer handle the negative cash flow and the house of cards is starting to come down.
If we file Chapter 7 to get rid of all the rentals, will we actually be left with money and our personal property or will the BK take that money to pay secured creditors as well? One interpretation of the BK proceeding implies that the secured creditors only get their security back and that's it. If that's the case, the BK Trustee would pay off our credit cards (which we would have paid anyway), but what happens to the other $20k, the personal property, and the car that had $8k in equity?
If liquid assets exceed unsecured liability, do we keep the difference or will the trustee be able to take that to give extra money to the secured creditors?
If we didn't have rentals we would be fine.
We have less than $10k in credit card debt (mostly promotional deals)
We have about $30k in the bank + our personal property, a car worth $8k, and one with zero equity due to the loan that's on it.
Our problem is that we have $1.5M in mortgage debt and our tenant's financial problems have turned into our financial problems. We can no longer handle the negative cash flow and the house of cards is starting to come down.
If we file Chapter 7 to get rid of all the rentals, will we actually be left with money and our personal property or will the BK take that money to pay secured creditors as well? One interpretation of the BK proceeding implies that the secured creditors only get their security back and that's it. If that's the case, the BK Trustee would pay off our credit cards (which we would have paid anyway), but what happens to the other $20k, the personal property, and the car that had $8k in equity?
If liquid assets exceed unsecured liability, do we keep the difference or will the trustee be able to take that to give extra money to the secured creditors?