Okay so we finally after 1 year of stressing out have paid our lawyer and sent in our paper work! Yay for that! So we get a copy of all our info from the lawyer to look at and really see the amount of debt we are in OMG! This a huge number and I am shocked and embarrassed and now scared to death! I knew were in debt but once I see the actual number I am freaking out. It is well over 100K so I am sure we will be looked at I am just afraid the trustee is going to try to burn us at the stake. I am trying to calm myself down and just need a little help if you have it to give. We are a family of 6 living on one income and this debt has been slowly creeping up for the last 5 years and we never used the cards with the intention of not paying it back we just used them to eat, live and clothe our family. Not saying we never bought things we didn't need or have some fun on the cards but no big luxury items. I made some stupid decisions like taking out a line of credit to pay off the cards and then using the cards again
but I always thought we would be able to pay them off-stupid I know! Also we haven't paid on them for a year so i am figuring there is a chunk on there due to interest and fees but still I can't believe it got this bad. I just want this to be over with. Our lawyer isn't worried so I guess I shouldn't be but it is not him who they will be grilling. Our expenses are in line with what is allowed and we still are in the negative at the end of the month according to the paperwork so that seems fine. We are a little underwater in our house buy staying because we would never find a place big enough for all of us that would be cheaper than our house payment. We have no other real assets but if they want all my old beat up furniture and household stuff they are welcome to it! I just want a fresh start and to never never have another credit card as long as I live!
BTW we are in MN so if anyone has any experience with CH7 and would like to share I would appreciate it!
Thanks so much for letting me vent and all the great advice and support this forum had given me.
BTW we are in MN so if anyone has any experience with CH7 and would like to share I would appreciate it!
Thanks so much for letting me vent and all the great advice and support this forum had given me.