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Congratulations! We achieved the same status today. It is a great feeling isn't it? I still can't believe it.
Yes it feels great. This has been such a learning experience and I look so forward to rebuilding my life. BKFORUM has been such a great help for me through all of this. I filed pro se and I honestly dont think I could have done it without this forum. I read the entire nolo book and it just does not give enough detail. It was a nice guide but since each case is so different there is no one guide that can help everyone.
-Filed Ch7 pro se 04/14/2010
-341 Meeting is 05/24/2010 (went uneventfully well)
-Report of No Distribution 6/4/2010
-Discharge 7/28/2010
Thanks. I have a great admiration for all of you who file pro se. I had enough stress doing this with an attorney. I give you everyone a lot of credit who tackled it on their own. Way to go!