Using cards within 90 days of filing is CONSIDERED abuse. Running them up before that time period CAN be considered abuse. Depends a lot of that factors - but the big unknown is how aggressive the trustee assigned to you can will be.
90 days is a minimum. Don't use them within 90 days. Period.
Use the cash saved from paying off whatever you will surrender to subsist. Frankly, in most states, it is easy to stay 180 days or longer in a house before being removed. My brother in law and sister stayed 1.5 years before leaving. Almost a year later, the house remains unsold, lock still the same, etc. after they moved out on there own.
90 days is a minimum. Don't use them within 90 days. Period.
Use the cash saved from paying off whatever you will surrender to subsist. Frankly, in most states, it is easy to stay 180 days or longer in a house before being removed. My brother in law and sister stayed 1.5 years before leaving. Almost a year later, the house remains unsold, lock still the same, etc. after they moved out on there own.