In Sept of 2008, I lost my job and was unemployed for about 2 months. We became very behind on our mortgage and our credit card bills. All of 2009 was a catch up to mortgage payments and trying to satisfy each credit card company. Finally in the middle of 2009, we were unable to make minimum payments to the credit card companies and so we stopped. We made sure to catch up on mortgage, pay utilities, gas for car, car repairs and food for our 3 kids.
At the end of May I was served with 2 summons for Discover Card and Citicard. We sought a BK atty early in June. The atty said we make too much money to qualify for a ch 7 and that we would be better off in a ch 13 making payments of $175 for 36 months. I wanted ch 7 so I can just move on with my life but trusted his word. After I resigned myself to making payments for the next 36 months, last Friday the atty emailed me and said that I needed to really consider 60 months because of some case that the US Supreme court ruled that if debtor is over median on income (which we are), you must employ all available projected disposable income to chapter 13 plan for 60 months, not 36.
In February of this year, DH got a large one time bonus of approximately 6K. We used every last penny of this to catch our mortgage up. But because of the 6 month look back on income, it looks like we're making $9,583 gross per month. But, we really don't We only make about $7,600 per month.
Income: I make $55K and get paid bi weekly so gross is usually $2116.34 per paycheck; DH makes $42,000 and also gets paid bi weekly so gross is usually $1615.39. Total = 7,463
After all taxes, 401k repayments, health insurance etc get taken away, we only take home 5200 per month.
Here are our expenses:
1st mortgage: 2021.27
2nd: 650.03
Daycare: 775 (will be 1000 now that kids are out of school and will need to be watched full time)
Grocery: 1300 - we have 3 kids and they have severe eczema and food allergies. 2 of them are allergic to gluten, wheat, corn and soy. The youngest is severely allergic to all dairy, eggs, gluten, wheat, corn and soy. She is also asthmatic. So we can't buy normal prepackaged food. Most everything is cooked from scratch or else we're in trouble and have to go to the hospital.
Gas/Car Maintenance: 600 - we just spent $2000 to repair both cars earlier this year
Clothing for the 5 of us: approx 250
Medical and Dental bills: 250 (several crowns for hubby and dentist is leting us pay monthly) and this includes co pay for doctor visits an rx.
Auto insurance: 154.60
Home Maintenance and upkeep : 320
Electricity: 160 per month
Water and Sewer: 150
Cable/telephone/internet : 130
Cell Phones: 150
Garbage: 35
School lunch for 3 kids : 165 {(2.50 per day * each kid) * 22 day}
Recreation: 450 for the 5 of us. This includes my gym membership, running shoes, kids sports etc.
Laundry and dry cleaning: 75
RX and copay for my mom: 100
Is there anyway that I could even possibly file a 7? Atty says yes we can file but we're so close with our expenses that he fears it would be scrutinized and he wants to avoid that. But to me, those expenses are there in the bank statements so they can scrutinize away. Should I wait 2 months to file since the February paychecks are where DH's huge bonus took place. I'm scared about getting a lien put on our house because of the lawsuits and don't know how long it will normally take for them to be able to garnish wages etc. If they do put a lien on our cars or house, once we file BK does it strip the lien?
I have an appt with another atty this Friday to get a 2nd opinion. Edited to add that we live in Washington state.
At the end of May I was served with 2 summons for Discover Card and Citicard. We sought a BK atty early in June. The atty said we make too much money to qualify for a ch 7 and that we would be better off in a ch 13 making payments of $175 for 36 months. I wanted ch 7 so I can just move on with my life but trusted his word. After I resigned myself to making payments for the next 36 months, last Friday the atty emailed me and said that I needed to really consider 60 months because of some case that the US Supreme court ruled that if debtor is over median on income (which we are), you must employ all available projected disposable income to chapter 13 plan for 60 months, not 36.
In February of this year, DH got a large one time bonus of approximately 6K. We used every last penny of this to catch our mortgage up. But because of the 6 month look back on income, it looks like we're making $9,583 gross per month. But, we really don't We only make about $7,600 per month.
Income: I make $55K and get paid bi weekly so gross is usually $2116.34 per paycheck; DH makes $42,000 and also gets paid bi weekly so gross is usually $1615.39. Total = 7,463
After all taxes, 401k repayments, health insurance etc get taken away, we only take home 5200 per month.
Here are our expenses:
1st mortgage: 2021.27
2nd: 650.03
Daycare: 775 (will be 1000 now that kids are out of school and will need to be watched full time)
Grocery: 1300 - we have 3 kids and they have severe eczema and food allergies. 2 of them are allergic to gluten, wheat, corn and soy. The youngest is severely allergic to all dairy, eggs, gluten, wheat, corn and soy. She is also asthmatic. So we can't buy normal prepackaged food. Most everything is cooked from scratch or else we're in trouble and have to go to the hospital.
Gas/Car Maintenance: 600 - we just spent $2000 to repair both cars earlier this year
Clothing for the 5 of us: approx 250
Medical and Dental bills: 250 (several crowns for hubby and dentist is leting us pay monthly) and this includes co pay for doctor visits an rx.
Auto insurance: 154.60
Home Maintenance and upkeep : 320
Electricity: 160 per month
Water and Sewer: 150
Cable/telephone/internet : 130
Cell Phones: 150
Garbage: 35
School lunch for 3 kids : 165 {(2.50 per day * each kid) * 22 day}
Recreation: 450 for the 5 of us. This includes my gym membership, running shoes, kids sports etc.
Laundry and dry cleaning: 75
RX and copay for my mom: 100
Is there anyway that I could even possibly file a 7? Atty says yes we can file but we're so close with our expenses that he fears it would be scrutinized and he wants to avoid that. But to me, those expenses are there in the bank statements so they can scrutinize away. Should I wait 2 months to file since the February paychecks are where DH's huge bonus took place. I'm scared about getting a lien put on our house because of the lawsuits and don't know how long it will normally take for them to be able to garnish wages etc. If they do put a lien on our cars or house, once we file BK does it strip the lien?
I have an appt with another atty this Friday to get a 2nd opinion. Edited to add that we live in Washington state.