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Please REGISTER (it's FREE & takes 30 seconds) so you can post your own questions and see all the features available to registered users. summary, I should listen to you guys, my lawyer, my case administrator and view that entry on pacer as a technical thing that doesn't affect my opposed to listening to the evil Demons of Paranoia that sometimes whisper in my ear...
would having my case be converted from no-asset... asset hold my discharge up? Do I have to sign the reaffirmation agreement on my car before I get the discharge? (although I'd think I'd need to know if the Panel Trustee was interested in seizing my car, or how much equity I'd have to come up with to retain it before a reaff would be signed)
Just asking because it's 4pm on Day 67, and looking at the list of cases in my district, most of the debtors who filed the same time as me, or some a few days later, are getting discharges. The other ones that are held up are all either people with some sort of a problem to their case, or they're asset cases. It seems to me that the asset-no asset thing should be separate from the discharge at this point. summary, I should listen to you guys, my lawyer, my case administrator and view that entry on pacer as a technical thing that doesn't affect my opposed to listening to the evil Demons of Paranoia that sometimes whisper in my ear...
HEY! Those Evil Demons Of Paranoia are mine, I say. MINE! And I want them back!