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Reaffirm car or ride thru?

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    Reaffirm car or ride thru?

    We filed yesterday and my attorney brought up the possibility of not reaffirming the car and just keep making the payments. What would you do? The car kbb for about 8500 and we owe about 9800. Our plan is to try and buy our first home as soon as we can. Is it better to not reaffirm? If we don't can they just repo the car anytime they want? I'm kinda confused on how it all works. Thanks!!

    Who is your creditor? Where are you located? Many states and most creditor won't go for a ride-thru option and you will find your car has disappeared in the middle of the night - whether you've paid for it or not.
    11/09 - Ran out of money - 1/4/10 - Filed Chapter 7 (Pro-Se) - 2/16/10 - 341 Meeting -6/17/10 - Reaffirmation hearing (auto) - DISCHARGED 7/6/10m CLOSED 7/26/10


      I have the same question as well. I am located in Minnesota and the creditor is M&L Marshall Bank.


        I live in IL and I did a ride thru w/ DCU. I filed 10/2008, didn't reaffirm the debt, and paid it off in 2/2010. They sent me the title with no problem.


          Im in Arizona and its with a credit union. I didn't even think it was an option until my attorney brought it up. If they can just up and repo it its not a situation I want. We only have one car and I dont need that worry. The car will be paid off Jan 2013.


            i am with carmax financial and i am going to do a ride-thru. I live in connecticut.


              We have Chase and we plan on riding thru. Our car is only worth like $6000 and we owe $10,000. We are worried about it being towed (its our only car, but I have a coworker that lives close enough if that happened he could take me to work.)

              We don't want to be tied down to this car because if we kept the payments as they are, it wouldn't be paid off until 2013.

              So we just plan on saving and saving so we can ditch the thing and get a different used car.
              I may be smarter than an attorney, but I'm not one. No legal advice here, people.
              Filed Ch. 7 pro se on 10/22/10 341 on 11/19/10 Report of No Distribution Filed on 11/19/10 Discharged 1/19/11 Closed 2/2/11


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