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If you are up front and honest and not hiding anything, you have nothing to worry about. I saw some people get ripped apart, but it sounded like they were trying to hide things. Good Luck!
My hubby and I have ours at the end of the week. I am absolutely sick to my stomach and each time I think about it, I get more and more nervous. I'm in Southern Cali.
Chill! Remember that to you it's your whole life, but to the trustee you're just one of a string of cases he's hearing that day. Unless there's shenanigans on your petition, you won't stand out and he/she will just read from a set of questions. Just be honest (and concise - mostly answer yes or no and don't ramble) and you won't have anything to worry about. I was nervous about my 341 too, and it was over with in less than 5 minutes.