The Court wouldn't give a discharge even to this guy!
"if the leveraged investment of an education does not generate the return the borrower anticipated, the student, not the taxpayers, must accept the consequences of the decision to borrow."
A woman gets sexually harassed (and thereby blackballed from work), becomes suicidal over the harassment, and she can't get a discharge.
"dischargeability of student loans should be based upon the certainty of hopelessness, not simply a present inability to fulfill financial commitment."
"[a] finding of undue hardship is reserved for the exceptional case and requires the presence of unique or extraordinary circumstances which would render it unlikely that the debtor ever would be able to honor his obligations"
Editorial note:
There should be a law that any student looking to get a student loan - or at least a loan that is no-dischargeable - needs to go through a special debt seminar, with cases like these presented, so that they really know what they are getting into. Maybe then, little Johnny may choose State U, or even better, Podunk Community College, instead of IvyPrice U - or even better yet, do work study so that there would be no debt!