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Last day to Object

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    Last day to Object

    Hey guys I am wondering if anyone knows what happens on the last day for a creditor to object a debt? I filed Chapter 7 on March 12, 2010. My date of June 14 is on Monday and so what will happen on that date or after that.

    Thank you to all who replies!!!!!!

    You will (should) receive your discharge.


      you'll be praying all day monday that no objections to your discharge are filed, that is, no news is good news. then beginning on tuesday, you will look forward to news of your discharge. if they don't come in a few days, call the clerk and ask...
      filed ch7 May 09
      341 june 09
      discharged, closed Aug 09


        so does the creditor have until the end of business day to respond or midnight.I live in MN


          you'd have to check your local court rules for that. some places it's until 5pm, some until midnight. however, it's very unlikely for anyone to file after working hours...
          filed ch7 May 09
          341 june 09
          discharged, closed Aug 09


            Originally posted by music12 View Post
            you'd have to check your local court rules for that. some places it's until 5pm, some until midnight. however, it's very unlikely for anyone to file after working hours...
            Great! Thank you for the fast reply I really appreciate it. Have a great day!!!!


              added creditor before last day to object

              June 1 was the last day to object in our Chapter 7 case but we received a medical bill from many months ago that was not listed in our case. our attorney filed an amendment on June 1 and said it might take up to 30 additional days to receive our discharge. The bill was almost $1000 so we thought it was worth the filing fee and small attorney fee. What is happening while we are waiting the extra 30 days?


                Lissa -- any objections today, or are you in the clear???


                  Originally posted by kmbk2b View Post
                  Lissa -- any objections today, or are you in the clear???
                  Hi there, well on PACER my account hasn't had any updates since 5/7 I am guessing it's a good thing...... So I just checked and it still hasn't updated. I am not sure what/when to expect an update. I will keep you posted.


                    Hey guys I couldn't sleep for the past 2 nights wondering about an objection on my Chapter 7 case. I called clerks office today since PACER didn't update. I know it takes a while. But I just had to call. Clerk said no objections on my case and site will update sometime today with a discharge. I am excited now....


                      Hi Lisa,
                      I'm on the same boat with you. My last day for any objection is 6/14/10. I checked the pacer today and still no updates. Which clerk do you call? I'm in Denver, colorado.



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