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Bank statements at 341 (Virginia)

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    Bank statements at 341 (Virginia)

    Was anyone required to bring in their current bank statement(s) for the 341? I filed at the Eastern district.
    Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010

    You're attorney should have that information and he should be taking care of that for you. I had to give me attorney 6 months of bank history. I filed in Eastern district as well, but my 341 isn't until July 6.


      Originally posted by LexiPoo View Post
      You're attorney should have that information and he should be taking care of that for you. I had to give me attorney 6 months of bank history. I filed in Eastern district as well, but my 341 isn't until July 6.
      My 341 is 9 days after yours! Were you over the median? My lawyer said I didn't need bank statements at all. Just thought it was strange... I am under median.
      Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


        I am under the median. That's odd they didn't get bank history. I'd contact them just to make sure.


          Originally posted by LexiPoo View Post
          I am under the median. That's odd they didn't get bank history. I'd contact them just to make sure.
          Yeah he said that from the getgo and from when I signed the papers last week.
          Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


            I had my 341 in the Eastern Dist. of VA - Alexandria on June 10, 2010. My attorney requested that I provide all of my bank statements to her prior to the hearing so she would have them to present to the trustee at the 341. The bank statements had to include the date of filing.

            There was another man there for his 341 that went before us, and the trustee would not hear his case because he didn't have his bank statements with him.

            I would suggest that you bring copies of all of your bank statements and be sure the statements reflect your balance as of the date of filing.

            good luck!


              Same with me as Amm... I had to provide bank statements up to the day of my filing way before my 341. At the 341 nothing eventful at all happened. Was over in 10 mins... all I got to listen to was "So, you're keeping your BMW?" "So, you're keeping your Mercedes?" "So, you're keeping your Audi?" ... lol.
              BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
              Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                For the 341 meeting, you will need a bank a statement that covers the date you file so the trustee can verify how much was in the account on the day you filed BK. But you don't normally need a bank statement that cover the 341 date.


                  I just want to confirm what amm and Amy26 said. I had to provide bank statements to include the balance of all accounts up to and including my date of filing. My attorney gathered the information about 10 days prior to the actual 341 hearing. Per my attorney, if you have an account with BBT, you will have to request an actual statement. Apparently, that's one of the few banks that does not do the average daily balance thing or something similar which is okay for this purpose. I don't have an account there and was glad not to have to deal with this.

                  I wish you good fortune at your 341 hearing. Mine was over before it got started and the trustee was very kind. Just business. Not herds of cattle in our area, but it seemed like TONS of folks have filed and will continue.


                    thanks everyone I will have the statements ready just in case but maybe I should ask if I need statements for the 341 meeting. I only asked my lawyer if HE wanted bank statements. He really doesn't volunteer anything unless you ask directly.
                    Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010


                      My trustee requested a bunch of stuff from my lawyer well before the 341. I also had to fill out a questionaire. So, when I got to the actual 341 in Alexandria, I really didn't need to say or do anything. He just read my questionaire asked me like 2 questions and I was done. Who is your trustee? I was told there are nicer ones than others. Can PM it to me if you'd like.
                      BK Ch 7 Discharged 09/2009 | Anything I say can and should be used as friendly advice and sharing of experiences with an unbiased viewpoint.
                      Scores: EQ 745 EX 704 TU 710 as of 08/15/2012


                        Sooo today I was told I need bank statement for the day I filed and not for the past 6 months. I was also told that I didn't need to make an amendment because my bank balance was higher on filing day. I would just need to do a homestead exemption at the time of the 341 meeting, is this right everyone??
                        Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010



                          What I can tell you about that homestead exemption is that my attorney did that BEFORE the 341 hearing because my balances were higher just like you noted. I wondered about this and told him I knew they were going to increase. See if you can get your attorney to handle this BEFORE your 341 hearing. Has your attorney gotten the questionnaire (341 interrogatories) to you yet? If not, ask him about this. These are just the questions you will be asked at your hearing. You bring this with you to the hearing. Removes the stress of wondering. I was asked no additional questions, just so you know


                            Originally posted by Fresh View Post

                            What I can tell you about that homestead exemption is that my attorney did that BEFORE the 341 hearing because my balances were higher just like you noted. I wondered about this and told him I knew they were going to increase. See if you can get your attorney to handle this BEFORE your 341 hearing. Has your attorney gotten the questionnaire (341 interrogatories) to you yet? If not, ask him about this. These are just the questions you will be asked at your hearing. You bring this with you to the hearing. Removes the stress of wondering. I was asked no additional questions, just so you know
                            I did speak with him today and he insisted it can be handled at the 341. AND I am to bring bank statement for filing day. Just wondering what to do with the acct that has no activity since May?? It doesn't give a daily balance and the account is in the UK. As for the questionnaire nope haven't heard anything yet. I will ask again when it gets closer. I've got exactly one month to go before 341.
                            Filed: 6-7-2010 341: 7-15-2010 DISCHARGED: 9/17/2010



                              With that account in the UK, I would request a statement from that bank, especially since you have plenty of time to do it.

                              I wish you all the best.


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