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Toro Credit Card

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    Toro Credit Card

    Hi all,

    Me and my wife plan to file chapter 7 very soon and was wondering about a toro credit card that was issued by ge money bank. Could they repo the power
    equipment lawn mower, trimmer etc. that was purchased with the card?

    Thanks Steve

    Originally posted by sap720 View Post
    Hi all,

    Me and my wife plan to file chapter 7 very soon and was wondering about a toro credit card that was issued by ge money bank. Could they repo the power
    equipment lawn mower, trimmer etc. that was purchased with the card?

    Thanks Steve
    i highly doubt it
    i wouldn't sweat it
    Filed chapter 7 on 9/17 341 on 10/20
    Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution on 10/21
    Discharged and Case Closed on 12/21/2010


      Toro Credit Card


      Here's the deal the card is issued by GE Money Bank, the card was issued for the purchase of a Toro Z Mower for about $6,000 the card credit limit is $8,800. I also purchased two weed eaters and a hedge trimmer. My question is, if I include this account for discharge will GE Money Bank repo or want the items back?


        Originally posted by sap720 View Post

        Here's the deal the card is issued by GE Money Bank, the card was issued for the purchase of a Toro Z Mower for about $6,000 the card credit limit is $8,800. I also purchased two weed eaters and a hedge trimmer. My question is, if I include this account for discharge will GE Money Bank repo or want the items back?
        Isn't this the same question asked in the first post?
        -Filed Ch7 pro se 04/14/2010
        -341 Meeting is 05/24/2010 (went uneventfully well)
        -Report of No Distribution 6/4/2010
        -Discharge 7/28/2010


          None of us can speak for your creditor.
          They maintain a security interest in the items and could repo them if they want too. Nobody can tell you if they will or not.
          I'd tend to doubt they'd want used lawn equipment back unless, the $6K purchase was recent.

          BTW, you are required to list all of your creditors. You can't leave them off the petition just because you think they want there stuff back.


            Originally posted by sap720 View Post

            Here's the deal the card is issued by GE Money Bank, the card was issued for the purchase of a Toro Z Mower for about $6,000 the card credit limit is $8,800. I also purchased two weed eaters and a hedge trimmer. My question is, if I include this account for discharge will GE Money Bank repo or want the items back?
            theres no IF's .u must include every creditor in your petition
            how long ago did u buy the equipment?
            Filed chapter 7 on 9/17 341 on 10/20
            Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution on 10/21
            Discharged and Case Closed on 12/21/2010



              3years ago, What if I do want to keep some things like this account and some others.


                Originally posted by sap720 View Post
                3years ago, What if I do want to keep some things like this account and some others.
                what do u mean?
                u must include every account in your bk petition
                and they will be closed by the creditor
                but even if u managed to leave that account out of your bk petition it will most likely be closed by the creditor anyway
                Filed chapter 7 on 9/17 341 on 10/20
                Chapter 7 Trustee's Report of No Distribution on 10/21
                Discharged and Case Closed on 12/21/2010


                  reaffirm how does that work


                    Originally posted by sap720 View Post
                    3years ago, What if I do want to keep some things like this account and some others.
                    Why would you want to do that? They are going to close the account and not allow you to charge on the cards anymore.


                      Originally posted by sap720 View Post
                      reaffirm how does that work
                      Why would you want to do that? To keep some material possesions that you can save and pay cash for to replace?


                        Its $6,000 lawn mower and worth $3,000 used and with the size of my yard 12 acres I need it or my landlord will tell to hit the road.

                        I also will not have the money to buy the things I would need to replace. Like a car for work or home garden equipment to keep the lanlord happy.
                        Last edited by sap720; 06-01-2010, 06:47 PM.


                          Sap, don't count on any credit card surviving filing Ch 7. The cc companies all share information with each other. Even if your cc was at zero owed so you wouldn't have to include it in your filing, as already said, the cc company is 98% likely to close it anyway.

                          Apologies in advance for being so need to find a way to live within what you make after your Ch 7 is over. If you can't live within what you make even after your case is discharged, then you need to be planning ahead to do one of three things - (1) bring in more income, (2) reduce expenses more, or (3) surrender an asset to reduce your debt load. There really are no other options.

                          Continuing to use credit to make ends meet after filing could be the first step to possibly bring you back full circle to bankruptcy again. It's very hard to make changes in how we think about money and needing credit, but it's an important part of learning from our bankruptcies to prevent future financial troubles.
                          I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice nor a statement of the law - only a lawyer can provide those.

                          06/01/06 - Filed Ch 13
                          06/28/06 - 341 Meeting
                          07/18/06 - Confirmation Hearing - not confirmed, 3 objections
                          10/05/06 - Hearing to resolve 2 trustee objections
                          01/24/07 - Judge dismisses mortgage company objection
                          09/27/07 - Confirmed at last!
                          06/10/11 - Trustee confirms all payments made
                          08/10/11 - DISCHARGED !

                          10/02/11 - CASE CLOSED
                          Countdown: 60 months paid, 0 months to go


                            Thanks for the reply, As question asked above would they want my lawn equipment back.
                            I really can't afford to lose it, as I use it for my home as will as od jobs.


                              Originally posted by sap720 View Post
                              Its $6,000 lawn mower and worth $3,000 used and with the size of my yard 12 acres I need it or my landlord will tell to hit the road.

                              I also will not have the money to buy the things I would need to replace. Like a car for work or home garden equipment to keep the lanlord happy.
                              Perhaps it's time to think about living some place cheaper? Chapter 7 is only going to make your debt go away. It isn't going to resolve issues with budgeting.


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