In looking up info about finding employment after filing, I came across an article that said a law was passed in 2001 that prevents you from being self-employed during bankruptcy (after filing but before discharge). WTH? I took a short contract (e.g., no withholding because I will pay my own taxes on the income) job that I lucked into only because I knew someone at the company. It lasted about a month. Did I just sabotage my BK? What do I do now? Tell the attorney? Haven't yet had my 341 (it was 'continued for examination').
I found this on
In 2001, the Insolvency Amendment Act prohibited bankrupt individuals from being hired by a relative who manages or controls a business or enterprise. In addition, anyone whose case has not been discharged is also prohibited from owning or managing a business. If self-employment during proceedings and working for an entrepreneurial aunt or uncle are prohibited, the chances of finding gainful employment (etc.)
I found this on
In 2001, the Insolvency Amendment Act prohibited bankrupt individuals from being hired by a relative who manages or controls a business or enterprise. In addition, anyone whose case has not been discharged is also prohibited from owning or managing a business. If self-employment during proceedings and working for an entrepreneurial aunt or uncle are prohibited, the chances of finding gainful employment (etc.)