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I feel so much better now. Everything went well! I am a no asset case that is awaiting my discharge in 60 days. Now the count down begins!!!!Guess I will add a happy dance smiley face!
Chapter 7 filed on 4/23/2010
341 meeting on 5/28/2010
Discharged on 8/19/2010
Mine is over too!! I feel much better. I don't know what you mean by asset case??
Filed April 26, 2010
Creditors Meeting May 28, 2010
A no asset case means I have no nonexempt property that the trustee can sell.
An asset case would means that I have property the trustee can sell to pay some creditors back, such as equity in a home or I have a car that is above state exemptions.
Chapter 7 filed on 4/23/2010
341 meeting on 5/28/2010
Discharged on 8/19/2010
Just curious did they tell you no asset at the 341? We too had our meeting on 5/28 but nothing was said assets were not even brought up so I was just wondering? Congrats!!
Just curious did they tell you no asset at the 341? We too had our meeting on 5/28 but nothing was said assets were not even brought up so I was just wondering? Congrats!!
I don't know for sure but if you were an asset case I would think they would have told you or you would have known. I too am a no asset case. No car, no house, no nothing. Just a lot of credit card debt with nothing to show for it. My 341 meeting was on April 16th. I will be so glad when I get my discharge!
Just curious did they tell you no asset at the 341? We too had our meeting on 5/28 but nothing was said assets were not even brought up so I was just wondering? Congrats!!
Yes I was told no asset case. When the trustee was going through everyone's case he either said asset or no asset case. There was only two cases that were turned over to asset cases and continued.
Chapter 7 filed on 4/23/2010
341 meeting on 5/28/2010
Discharged on 8/19/2010