I was discharged in February but not closed. My trustee wanted to look into how easily my stock options could transfer ownership making my case possibly an asset case. I have not heard anything, nor have I received my tax refund which should have been mostly exempted. My lawyer was only hired to discharge, so I'm not sure how to handle this now. Am I better off waiting, and hoping that things will go my way, paying my lawyer to handle the close, or try to deal with my trustee myself? Is it best to let time pass before rocking the boat? All advice appreciated. -Thanks
I was discharged in February but not closed. My trustee wanted to look into how easily my stock options could transfer ownership making my case possibly an asset case. I have not heard anything, nor have I received my tax refund which should have been mostly exempted. My lawyer was only hired to discharge, so I'm not sure how to handle this now. Am I better off waiting, and hoping that things will go my way, paying my lawyer to handle the close, or try to deal with my trustee myself? Is it best to let time pass before rocking the boat? All advice appreciated. -Thanks