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Another 341

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    Another 341

    We will be having our third 341 tomorrow morning and I am beside myself. We filed BK7 almost 2 years ago. My dad's lawyer showed up for the first 341 and got the attention of the UST. We made a few mistakes on our means test so we dismissed our case and refiled. Again at our second 341 my dad's lawyer showed up and got the UST involved. Instead of going to trial we decided to convert to BK13, much to my dismay. Tomorrow is our 341 for BK13 at different venue than the other two 341's. I can't understand why I am such a wreck. I am pacing like a caged animal. I just need to put an end to this and get my dad out of my life.

    I will move my threads over to the BK13 forum but just wanted to say thanks for all the support over the past 2 years and the well wishes to help me get through this horrible experience.

    Does anyone know if BK13 341's are similar to BK7 341's? Is there any reason for my dad's lawyer to show up? We don't have a payment plan yet. Are we required to have one prior to the 341? Again, I will post any future threads on the BK13 forum. I just wanted to give an update and express my thanks to all the helpful BK7 folks. Take care.

    I don't know the process for converting - but in general, once a person files ch. 13 the plan must be submitted within 14 days. If the conversion has already been filed, I'm guessing your plan is due. Contact your attorney. Did you go over income/expense figures with your attorney? Perhaps he filed it and you're just not aware.

    As to the lawyer showing up, maybe its covered in prior posts but what was his purpose? Is your father a creditor? Was he disputing the validity of your income, assets, etc.?
    Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
    (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


      Yes my father is a creditor and his lawyer grills me at the 341's.

      We are using the same figures on our means test that we did for our BK7, with a few changes. Spoke to the lawyer last week and he said he would email the payment plan within a few days, but we never received one. We won't be able to speak to him until tomorrow.


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