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Do the numbers have to match exactly?

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    Do the numbers have to match exactly?

    We received the draft paperwork from our lawyer and I would like to know if the claimed numbers for unsecured debt (credit card balances) have to match exactly. We incur late charges every month which change the balance of each card so the balances from 3/10 when we retained the attourney are not the same as the balances now. Just curious.....

    Plus my attourney put a debt on the forms that hasn't existed in 4 years, where the heck did that come from??

    Anything else I should be weary of while reviewing the draft?

    No, the amounts do not have to be 100% accurate. Its more important to list a creditor (name, address) with a wrong balance than to not list it at all.

    Your attorney probably pulled everything from your credit report. Make sure to give the attorney info on any creditors NOT on your report, and make sure they are listed before you ok the draft.

    By 'hasn't existed' do you mean its paid and you no longer owe it? If that is not what you mean, then its best to include all possible debts.
    Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
    (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


      Yes, I mean it's paid and I no longer owe it (4 years ago).... sorry, I could have explained better.

      Since all our debt is in credit cards, I never thought there would be one not on our report... I'll double check that, thanks!


        Also - on the "Ch7 Individual Debtor's Statement of Intention".... our mortgage is listed as "Other. retain, keep current" ...and the "Claimed as exempt" box is checked... is this correct. Our intention is to ride through and stay and pay....I'm confused by the exempt box being checked. Is this correct?


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