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Paying 3300.00 Emergency Pet Bill today. Going to be an issue???

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    Paying 3300.00 Emergency Pet Bill today. Going to be an issue???

    Hi everyone,
    On Wednesday night I came home to find my kitten had gone into coma due to hypoglycemia and now he has been hospitalized for the past 2 days. The bill at this point is 3300.00 and growing. I was able to ask someone if I could borrow the money to pay for his bill (or they would just euthanize him). Is that going to be an issue when I file? I know it isn't considered a "luxury" spree but I am taking money and paying it to someone who isn't an original creditor. I am going to pay the bill no matter what, but I just wanted to know if I can expect to be in any trouble since I plan on filing before my pre-trial court date this month. Any help would be appreciated. Please send good thoughts our way-we really need it.

    I'm glad your kitten is doing better. My pets are my children so I would've done the same thing.

    If you pay $3,300 to a creditor (which is how this person will be seen) the Trustee can take that money back from them because it will be considered a preferential payment. You will need to wait until after the BK to pay them if you want to be assured they will be able to keep all of the money.
    I may be smarter than an attorney, but I'm not one. No legal advice here, people.
    Filed Ch. 7 pro se on 10/22/10 341 on 11/19/10 Report of No Distribution Filed on 11/19/10 Discharged 1/19/11 Closed 2/2/11


      Paying the vet is not a debt - its payment for services rendered. Much like its not paying a debt when you pay $200 to a mechanic who has performed work on your car. This is not a matter of preferential payment.

      The problem? Does your friend understand you won't be repaying them???

      Also to consider - is the animal suffering? Is the treatment resulting in ongoing suffering? If so, as hard as it may be, the best thing to do might be to end the suffering. My SIL faced a similar situation a few years ago with a family pet. She had cancer in her leg. They could amputate the leg, but the recovery would have been painful and there was a very likely chance the cancer would spread anyhow and she'd have to be put down in 3-12 months time. It was hard, but my sister in law chose not to put her dog thru that much pain and suffering.
      Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
      (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


        Thank you for your responses. We ended up having to put my baby Dexter to sleep shortly after I wrote on here. He went downhill shortly after posting on here and we didn't want him to be in any pain or suffer. I paid the now $3600.00 bill with my friends credit card. Do I even have to mention that when I file? There is no transfer of money to/from my checking account-just money he lent me to pay for his hospital bill. And he said I don't have to pay him back. I of course will though. Thank you all again.


          Sorry to hear about your loss. I saw your post right after I posted my response.

          Last year when I was preparing to file, my other cat had to go in for emergency treatment. I cost me $1,200. I was very concerned at how the cost might appear to the court. My attorney told me not to worry about it, especially since I had children. It wasn't an issue.

          I believe, that paying a vet will not be considered preferential payment, because the vet is not a creditor. However, you may need to list the friend you borrow the money from as a "creditor," because you owe the friend money. We had to list my FIL on the list of creditors, because we owed him money and were making regular payments to him.
          Last edited by ska; 05-07-2010, 12:44 PM. Reason: Sorry to hear about your loss. I saw your post right after I posted my response.
          5/29/09 ~ filed chapter 7
          7/13/09 ~ 341 meeting
          10/8/09 ~ Discharged!!!
          10/27/09 ~ Closed!!!


            SMinGA-thank you for sharing your story about your SIL with me. It's so hard to let go of our pets as they really are like children to us. I wanted so bad for him to be OK and thought that if we just held out another day that things would change, but when he started getting worse, we knew we couldn't keep him like that. I miss him terribly already and my heart is broken but I know we did the right thing. I think after my BK is discharged/closed, I'll adopt another kitten in his honor and start over fresh altogether.


              Ska- I hope your kitty makes a fully recovery. It is so unfortunate that veterinary bills are so high because so many people cannot give their pets the treatment they need because it's just too much money. Our bill was already 500.00 within 30 minutes of having him there. I wish we had universal healthcare for animals. That would be wonderful. Oh....and does anyone know if me adding an expense of animal insurance would be seen as a fraudulent way to bring up my expenses? I have 3 other cats and after all of this, I want to get them insurance which I think is around 75.00 a month total for all of them. If anyone knows, please let me know. Thank you all again.


                Ahhh, so sad. My cat Marie is 8 years old now and has been with me since she was 4 weeks old. I found her in a wood pile, she was an orphan and wild as hell... now she is incredibly affectionate and spoiled. Even through all the financial troubles I would have made the same decision as you. Pets are so important in our culture, other than the love and comfort the provide they really do have therapeutic value to them.


                  I am very sorry for your loss, Beeheery. Losing a companion and friend is very hard. Take good care of yourself!


                    As a big animal lover myself (2 dogs and 4 cats), I would have done anything to save one of my animals. I am sooooo sorry for your loss
                    May 2008 Hired 1st Attorney/Stopped paying CCs
                    May 21, 2009 Retained 2nd Attorney
                    May 28th - Filed for Ch 7 (FINALLY!)
                    9/11/09 - DISCHARGED!!!!


                      My sincere condolences.

                      We have a cat who had dire straits shortly before our filing as well. We paid about 3k, also borrowed, to keep her alive. We devised a homemade oxygen chamber, once the money ran out, and she is fine, three years later.

                      The trustee could attempt to recoup the money, but I think this is unlikely. Even if they do, it will not affect you or your discharge.

                      Your friend was incredibly kind to pay for this. I would inform them that they have to be listed as a creditor at the same moment I give them the first 100 dollar payment and let them know that the rest will be forthcoming.

                      If you ever have the opportunity, I would also pay it forward for someone else, if you have the means and it won't impact you and your family.


                      11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
                      12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?


                        Thank you all so much for your kind thoughts. Although I know none of you personally, your words have softened the blow to my aching heart. The emptiness I feel right now is indescribable but I know I will get better as time goes on. Make sure to give your "babies" an extra big hug and kiss tonight as we never know how long we have them for. Life is just too damn short.


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