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I just got an email from my atty. He said we are on for filing tomorrow! I can't believe what a relief that is to hear. I know I have a rather long road ahead of me, but just to get an auto stay is making me feel much better!
CONGRATS!!! i am still trying to come up with the money to file and it is brutal. I know the day i file will be a HUGE relief. i think the hardest part of all of this has been the past two years of poverty and dealing with creditors. i have lost just about everything and i feel that the relief will come almost immediately once i file. bk will not be easy but the day the attorney protects me from my creditors i can MOVE FORWARD with my life. i am really happy for you. tell me, was the relief as instantaneous as i think it is going to be???? it will give me something to look forward to!
the feeling of relief was immediate once I made payment to the atty. Taking that step was difficult. I still need to forward a few pices of info before we can officially file. In the meantime, I'm riding an emotional rollercoaster. I must say, however, that after reading posts on this forum I feel much better about my decision. Good luck and thanks to all for sharing your experience with all of us. Anxiously waiting to get this filed. Already thinking about the trustee meeting, which makes me nervous.
workingboy: glad you were able to file. i am still stuck in fielding the creditor calls and day to day fear of my landlord locking me out of my store. have an ad in the paper to sell stuff just to raise enough cash for the attny. my retail store is only bringing in enough to keep the lights and phone on. it has GOT to get better once i file--right? and i cannot wait to start my life over because truly that is how i feel--a new career path, a new start and finally money in my pocket. really, i cant wait!!!!