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My Experience

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    My Experience

    Dear Helpinfla:

    Thanks for sharing your experience. I, too, have found this forum to be helpful and comforting. For a while, I felt like I was the only one going through this. I appreciate your thought of comparing BK to a business decision. I talked to a lawyer a month ago about filing. After much hesitation and soul-searching, I returned to lawyer's office yesterday to begin the process. It's is amazing how relieved I felt after that meeting. It was truly one of the most difficult decisions I've had to make. The attorney I retained is good and his staff has been great so far. The filing process has been fairly easy to date. If you decide to hire a lawyer, I think one of the most important aspects of the process is feeling comfortable with your choice. I must send the lawyer a couple more documents and then we can file. I'm already nervous about the meeting with the trustee. It's my nature to fear the unknown.

    Thanks again.
    Filed: 4/30/2010; 341: 6/7/2010; Discharged: 8/11/2010; Closed: 8/16/2010


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