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I've had similar thoughts (though different places) and look forward to the replies.
12/2009 Stopped paying CCs; 3/10 1st suit;
8/2010 finally served; No Asset 7 filed. 11 mos since last bal xfer
9/22/10 60 day club; 9/24/10 report of no distr; 11/23/10 DISCHARGED
Funny you asked that, I was thinking of taking a trip to Wyoming to visit my Dad. I haven't seen him in almost 20 years. I've never been to Wyoming either so and I haven't been on a vacation in over 4 years. Dad has offered to fly me out so it won't even cost me much.
just give your lawyer a number where you can be reached in case something comes up, but you are certainly not required to be sitting at home waiting for trouble!
filed ch7 May 09
341 june 09
discharged, closed Aug 09
Thanks! Since I will be technically "homeless" for a short time I thought an adventure was in order. Head up to the Tetons before the snows show up again. We will see how the 341 goes and then I will be like Speedy Gonzales