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Preparing to file--Spending questions

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    Preparing to file--Spending questions

    The time is drawing near for filing...probably mid May is going to be our best timing. We are trying to prepare for life post-BK. We have not been using CCs for 2+ months and it is a whole new life (much better!, except for the dozens of phonecalls per day right now). We know we can make it, but the summer months, while I'm home with the kids,will be the toughest. Soooo...we got a large tax refund and have been spending it down carefully. After attorney fees, we will have about $1,800 left to spend wisely before filing. So far we have stocked the pantry/freezer, paid up the rest of the 6 month term on our car insurance, filled propane tank, had septic maintenance done, stocked up on household supplies/paper goods, had much needed vehicle repairs done, and stocked up on pet food/supplies.
    I have a pretty decent handle on what is generally okay to spend on and what is not, but I'd appreciate input on the remaining 1,800.
    If the electric company will let me, would it be okay to overpay our May bill so that we have a credit? (to make up for the huge increase I know will be coming this summer)
    Our dishwasher is 11 years old and sometimes takes several tries before it will start. Would buying a new one be a no-no or put us under scrutiny? (not a 1,200 one, but a $400 - $500 model)
    Do gas stations sell pre-paid gas cards (that you don't have to fill out an application for)? And if so, would this be okay?
    Recreation for the kids? We won't be going on a summer vacation of any kind, so I was considering a $150 membership for a community pool?
    Is lawn maintenance/landscaping stuff okay? (grass seed, potting soil, plants, etc.)
    Pre-paying the first month of Fall preschool?


    The litmus test on spending is always whether it is reasonably necessary for the health and welfare of you and your dependents.

    With that in mind, paying for pre-school sounds fine, while paying for $5,000/week summer art camp is probably not. A new dishwasher would be fine, while a fully-stocked home gym is probably not. Gas cards seem fine, but a brand-new gas guzzling Escalade is probably not. You get the drift!


      I think you have an overall good idea of what is good to spend on. As mentioned before the best measure is to always examine it as whether it is reasonable and necessary for the support of your family.
      deleted by moderator


        One thought to consider... if you have prepaid gas cards or such, that is an asset and would therefore need to be claimed. You're pretty much right on track. I would replace the dishwasher, buy more groceries, and load up on toilet paper, paper towels, etc. Consumables is where my money went...
        All information contained in this post is for informational and amusement purposes only.
        Bankruptcy is a process, not an event.......


          Not what you asked, but since you brought up the expectation that your electric bill will go up in the summer: Contact your utility companies & ask about budget billing. They can look at your usage over the prior year, and set you on a fixed payment. One or two times a year they'll evaluate to see if your usage has changed enough to warrant a change in your monthly payment.

          Speaking from my own experience, it is easier to pay $64 gas & $255 electric each & every month than worrying about how the next bill will fit into our monthly plans.

          As for how they get adjusted... Last summer we got in on a pretty good fixed rate gas plan - had been variable. A few months ago, when it was time to adjust our plan the payment went from $78 to $64. Last year our electric went up from $238 to $255. Its not terribly hard to factor in a few more dollars if it changes. But it is hard to go from paying $200 one month to $400 the next!
          Get mortgage modified: DONE! 7 months of back interest payments amortized, payment reduced over $200/mo
          (In the 'planning' stage, to file ch. 13 if/when we have to.)


            Thank you all!
            I will check with the electric company and see if they will do "budget billing". You're right, SMinGA, it is really hard to adjust when the electric bill makes a big jump.
            Thanks for the heads up about the gas cards, frogger. It hadn't dawned on me that they would be considered an asset, but that makes sense.
            I guess, out of the things I mentioned, the one I'm most unsure of is the outdoor/landscaping stuff. Even if kept to a minimum, we really needed to spend about $300 for grass seed, mulch, & replacing all the dead plants that didn't make it through the harsh winter.
            It's tough. I feel like "THIS IS IT" as far as having a chunk of change...this will be the only "extra" money for quite some I really want to be sure we make the best use of it.


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