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I am going to be applying for chapter 7 bankruptcy soon. When I applied for one of the credit cards I stated my income was $31,000 or 32,000. I had just gotten a raise and was just guessing at what my income was going to be. I found out my income was actually $26,300 the year I applied. I've made $32,000 every year since. Will this be seen as fraud? I really didn't think my income was that low that year. I don't know what to do.
You should be fine. They don't really ask what you made when you applied for the credit cards. At this point you are obviously in above your head, which is what really counts towards applying for the chapter 7...
Just make sure to fill out all the paperwork correctly based on where you are at right now...
good luck! It really isn't that bad, we filed on November 2nd, without a lawyer, had our creditors meeting on December 2nd and was discharged on February 2nd, case closed February 9th. Just make sure to be honest, and fill everything out correctly!