Some very good news potentially in regards to my husband and this nasty group of people that I've written about before on the board. Although Trustee said that he will leave my 341 open and potentially dragging us all the way back for more questioning if necessary which I don't care about because these people have nothing, not a leg to stand on. I do expect another meeting potentially on one possible issue and that was a signed declaration from almost 6 months ago stating that I was living with my husband's home 3 to 4 days a week and I referred to it as our home in the named city.
This prior law firm that I retained is trying to establish community debt so they can go after my husband, although he signed nothing in regards to retaining them. I'm the only one that signed the retainer agreement. They included him on the lawsuit in regards to community debt. BUT if brought back and questioned about that signed declaration, it can be explained. We were going through a massive family crisis and I was staying periodically at his residence to help our son get through the crisis as well as staying at extended family member homes. When going through a major crisis, family units including extended family will pull together tightly to get through it and this is why I was staying at my husband's home 3 to 4 days a week, to help my son. I called it our home because it is family. I consider his home my home, just as I consider my dad's home my home, etc. It is my family.
The meeting with the creditor lasted about 15 minutes wherein the Trustee laughed several times at this creditor. The TT asked him what he thought this meeting was for. The creditor said community debt and to uncover other assets and that he believes there is a hidden asset in regards to my husband and a house that my husband may own which is a lie; there is no home bought. The TT looked at him and said, "The husband is not included on this petition. Looking at her petition, this debtor has no assets." The creditor then stated, "Well, we tried to serve her at her home in which she either evaded or is no longer living at the home and we believe she is living with her husband." The TT asked me for my address again which I stated which is different from my husband's address. The TT asked me if I was legally separated. I said yes and then I said, "Wait, we are not legally separated but we are separated." The TT asked me how long we had been separated and I said three years.
The TT asked me what the prior lawsuit was for and why I retained them and I told him what it was for, no monetary value and our getting paid for it. It was something else. The TT asked the creditor what the fees were for and the creditor said legal fees. The TT said, You are aware that your fees are dischargeable and the creditor said yes.
The Motion for Relief of Stay was brought up and the TT laughed and said you can't be serious and questioned the creditor and laughed a few times. My attorney told the TT that it hadn't even been filed yet and there was no record of it being filed with the Court. And the TT said "What? It hasn't been filed?" And then stated that he doesn't review any motions for relief of stay in regards to the creditors meeting. Not sure if the freakin' motion for relief of stay was even filed now. It doesn't seem like it was.
The TT asked me if this prior legal representation was hired to represent the family. At first I said yes thinking of my family being myself and my son. I then said, "No, not my family. He was hired to represent myself and my son; I was the only one that signed the retainer agreement."
The creditor tried again to state that I was living with my husband, showing community debt and assets. The TT said again, "She has already stated twice her residence which is the same that is listed in her petition." The creditor said again, "Well, we believe she is living at another address because we tried to serve her." The TT was becoming obviously irritated with the creditor. The TT looked at me and said again state your address and I stated it again. The TT then looked at the creditor with a look on his face of, come on, this is ridiculous.
The creditor brought up, "We tried to serve her and she evaded." The TT said, "And? So what."
Every single argument the creditor tried to bring up was shot down. The TT obviously irritated at the whole situation with this creditor and dragging me through all the BS which over half of what was argued wasn't even in regards to assets but this creditor trying to prove community debt and to be able to go after my husband because he was named in the lawsuit. The TT then asked him, "How much has this debtor paid to you?" The creditor said, "About $100 a month," which is another lie because this creditor knows there's preferential payments in regards to him and the TT can go after him for those payments and distributing it to all my other creditors so this creditor would be out even more money. The TT then said sarcastically, "And here she is filing for bankruptcy." Basically telling this creditor, "What did you expect." And then the TT snickered.
The TT then said to the creditor, "If you have any further questions, address them to her attorney and her attorney will respond (my attorney said yes, I will) or address them to me." Then the TT said, "I'm going to leave this meeting open, just in case (looking at the creditor half assedly) we have to drag (the TT added emphasis on the word drag) everyone back here for more questions and then said this meeting is over with. The TT gave me my licence back and my 1099 and said you are excused. Even the TT's assistant there, looked at me as if to say, "You poor thing and having to go through that."
This a-hole creditor got up from the table and was extremely upset. Pretty much stomped his feet while walking away from the table. I gathered my things and got up from the table. I turned around and this creditor was staring me down and obviously upset. I didn't even look at him. I walked over and sat in the front row to organize my stuff. I didn't want to walk out with this a-hole. I waited a bit. I got up and began to walk out and there was another lady waiting to be called, she smiled approvingly and gave me a wink. I walked down stairs because I knew this a-hole crooked creditor was waiting for me. When I got to the first floor of the court building and heading through the security area, I saw him again standing there and looking at me. He again stomped his feet like a child would and headed for the front door of the court house. We weren't parked in the same area thankfully. The a-hole parked in the court house parking structure directly in front of me. I made a quick right because I was parked on the street.
I am so glad this aspect is OVER with. This creditor can still file whatever he wants until the creditor deadline for objections which I think is 60 days after the 341 hearing. I have nothing to hide. But it seems very obvious and how today went that this creditor is going to have an uphill battle in regards to going after my husband but I guess I will soon see !!!!!!!!!! Also a very good thing is that this creditor obviously pissed off my TT. Not a very good impression to make I take it. Bwhahahahah!!!
Some very good news potentially in regards to my husband and this nasty group of people that I've written about before on the board. Although Trustee said that he will leave my 341 open and potentially dragging us all the way back for more questioning if necessary which I don't care about because these people have nothing, not a leg to stand on. I do expect another meeting potentially on one possible issue and that was a signed declaration from almost 6 months ago stating that I was living with my husband's home 3 to 4 days a week and I referred to it as our home in the named city.
This prior law firm that I retained is trying to establish community debt so they can go after my husband, although he signed nothing in regards to retaining them. I'm the only one that signed the retainer agreement. They included him on the lawsuit in regards to community debt. BUT if brought back and questioned about that signed declaration, it can be explained. We were going through a massive family crisis and I was staying periodically at his residence to help our son get through the crisis as well as staying at extended family member homes. When going through a major crisis, family units including extended family will pull together tightly to get through it and this is why I was staying at my husband's home 3 to 4 days a week, to help my son. I called it our home because it is family. I consider his home my home, just as I consider my dad's home my home, etc. It is my family.
The meeting with the creditor lasted about 15 minutes wherein the Trustee laughed several times at this creditor. The TT asked him what he thought this meeting was for. The creditor said community debt and to uncover other assets and that he believes there is a hidden asset in regards to my husband and a house that my husband may own which is a lie; there is no home bought. The TT looked at him and said, "The husband is not included on this petition. Looking at her petition, this debtor has no assets." The creditor then stated, "Well, we tried to serve her at her home in which she either evaded or is no longer living at the home and we believe she is living with her husband." The TT asked me for my address again which I stated which is different from my husband's address. The TT asked me if I was legally separated. I said yes and then I said, "Wait, we are not legally separated but we are separated." The TT asked me how long we had been separated and I said three years.
The TT asked me what the prior lawsuit was for and why I retained them and I told him what it was for, no monetary value and our getting paid for it. It was something else. The TT asked the creditor what the fees were for and the creditor said legal fees. The TT said, You are aware that your fees are dischargeable and the creditor said yes.
The Motion for Relief of Stay was brought up and the TT laughed and said you can't be serious and questioned the creditor and laughed a few times. My attorney told the TT that it hadn't even been filed yet and there was no record of it being filed with the Court. And the TT said "What? It hasn't been filed?" And then stated that he doesn't review any motions for relief of stay in regards to the creditors meeting. Not sure if the freakin' motion for relief of stay was even filed now. It doesn't seem like it was.
The TT asked me if this prior legal representation was hired to represent the family. At first I said yes thinking of my family being myself and my son. I then said, "No, not my family. He was hired to represent myself and my son; I was the only one that signed the retainer agreement."
The creditor tried again to state that I was living with my husband, showing community debt and assets. The TT said again, "She has already stated twice her residence which is the same that is listed in her petition." The creditor said again, "Well, we believe she is living at another address because we tried to serve her." The TT was becoming obviously irritated with the creditor. The TT looked at me and said again state your address and I stated it again. The TT then looked at the creditor with a look on his face of, come on, this is ridiculous.
The creditor brought up, "We tried to serve her and she evaded." The TT said, "And? So what."
Every single argument the creditor tried to bring up was shot down. The TT obviously irritated at the whole situation with this creditor and dragging me through all the BS which over half of what was argued wasn't even in regards to assets but this creditor trying to prove community debt and to be able to go after my husband because he was named in the lawsuit. The TT then asked him, "How much has this debtor paid to you?" The creditor said, "About $100 a month," which is another lie because this creditor knows there's preferential payments in regards to him and the TT can go after him for those payments and distributing it to all my other creditors so this creditor would be out even more money. The TT then said sarcastically, "And here she is filing for bankruptcy." Basically telling this creditor, "What did you expect." And then the TT snickered.
The TT then said to the creditor, "If you have any further questions, address them to her attorney and her attorney will respond (my attorney said yes, I will) or address them to me." Then the TT said, "I'm going to leave this meeting open, just in case (looking at the creditor half assedly) we have to drag (the TT added emphasis on the word drag) everyone back here for more questions and then said this meeting is over with. The TT gave me my licence back and my 1099 and said you are excused. Even the TT's assistant there, looked at me as if to say, "You poor thing and having to go through that."
This a-hole creditor got up from the table and was extremely upset. Pretty much stomped his feet while walking away from the table. I gathered my things and got up from the table. I turned around and this creditor was staring me down and obviously upset. I didn't even look at him. I walked over and sat in the front row to organize my stuff. I didn't want to walk out with this a-hole. I waited a bit. I got up and began to walk out and there was another lady waiting to be called, she smiled approvingly and gave me a wink. I walked down stairs because I knew this a-hole crooked creditor was waiting for me. When I got to the first floor of the court building and heading through the security area, I saw him again standing there and looking at me. He again stomped his feet like a child would and headed for the front door of the court house. We weren't parked in the same area thankfully. The a-hole parked in the court house parking structure directly in front of me. I made a quick right because I was parked on the street.
I am so glad this aspect is OVER with. This creditor can still file whatever he wants until the creditor deadline for objections which I think is 60 days after the 341 hearing. I have nothing to hide. But it seems very obvious and how today went that this creditor is going to have an uphill battle in regards to going after my husband but I guess I will soon see !!!!!!!!!! Also a very good thing is that this creditor obviously pissed off my TT. Not a very good impression to make I take it. Bwhahahahah!!!