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Lien holder filed against my car ins. after repo

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    Lien holder filed against my car ins. after repo

    The end of Feb. I had a truck repossessed. I filed for ch. 7 on March 17th, my car insurance company called me to tell me that the lien holders were filing a claim because there was damage on the truck. This will ultimately affect my ins. rates because they found me at fault. Can they really go to my ins co. after I filed bankruptcy?

    Was there damage on the truck? If so, that is what insurance is for. Just because you didn't want your rates to go up by getting it fixed doesn't mean that the lien holders care about that. You won't be held responsible for any deductible, but they really aren't doing anything wrong by filing a claim for damage done. It may suck for you when it comes to future insurance, but damage to the vehicle is why you had insurance.


      Great! I had some minor damage on my truck when it got repo'd. I had some major damage a couple weeks before they repo'd but I got that fixed about 3 days before they came and got it. Hopefully they don't file a claim for the minor bruises that still exist. They've had it for a couple weeks now.
      Filed Ch7 12/11/09 | 341: 1/20/10 | Discharge: 3/23/10


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