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    Back from Attorney Land

    Ok, a review for those still considering hiring a law firm or individual attorney to deal with your issues. I just completed the 5th consult/interview in the last two weeks and let me tell you, the difference between attorneys and firms was incredible. I am in Southern California BTW

    After reviewing the information I provided to them, 4 out of the 5 recommended chapter 7 and one said a chapter 13.

    The last firm I just left was a complete disaster. The attorney was short with me, condescending, insulting and closed his eyes every time I tried to interject something about about my situation. He would not hear of my particular issues at all. He took basic numbers and wouldn't you know it....recommended a chapter 13! The only one to do so. The entire consult took less that 10 minutes and he did all the talking. If this had been my first exposure to a BK lawyer I would have given up right there! He was also the cheapest of the bunch.

    The law firm I decided to go with was of course the most expensive; ($4500) however, gave the most professional service I could ask for. My consultation was with both partners of the firm and lasted 1 hour 45 minutes. I could have stayed longer however I ran out of questions. Thanks to the site HHM gave me I was able to drill them with questions I had never thought of and came up with even more. They were very patient and answered everything. I even asked what the average length of a 341 hearing takes with one of their clients and they stated 90 seconds. Both attorneys know all 4 of the trustees in my area very well. The reason so fast, their paperwork is always correct and they do not file wobblers. One of the two partners always represents each client at the 341....its not passed down to someone you have never met before.

    Of the other three, one was a phone consult as he had no staff, the other a bankruptcy mill and the other almost got my business; however, stuck very much to the 30 minute consult time and then promptly left the office to bring in the office closer. He was professional, well credentialed but this less than personable style left me wondering.

    For those still considering, see as many attorneys as you can tolerate before making a decision. This could mean all the difference between a chapter 7, chapter 13 and having a great result vs a disastrous one.

    As we move forward I will keep everyone up to date on the process.

    Filed 7 - 7/8/10, 341 - 8/17/10 - Continued, Presumption of Abuse Filed - 8/27/10
    Report of No Distribution 9/27/10. Discharged 2/7/11 Closed 02/25/1
    10/12 EXP. 681

    Thanks for sharing, I'm in so cal too and they are charging that much for a ch 7? Highest quote I got was 2200 and yours seem a bit high, are you a no asset case?
    Retained lawyer: 3/30/10
    Filed Ch. 7: 4/07/10
    341 Meeting: 5/19/10
    Discharged: 7/26/10


      When I hear "southern california" I assume LA/OC/inland empire. I have learned that I live SOUTH of Southern California (San Diego.)

      In the unlikely event that you're in the San Diego district as well, please PM the attorney you've hired. I am not a cookie cutter case and would happily pay $4500 for the right attorney.
      12/2009 Stopped paying CCs; 3/10 1st suit;
      8/2010 finally served; No Asset 7 filed. 11 mos since last bal xfer
      9/22/10 60 day club; 9/24/10 report of no distr; 11/23/10 DISCHARGED


        keptdigging - I PM'd you.
        Filed Non-Consumer Chapter 7: 07/31/2009
        341 Hearing: 09/03/2009
        Last Day for Creditor's Objections: 11/02/2009
        Discharged! 11/03/2009 CLOSED! 01/05/2010


          How I chose my atty.

          I chose my attorney sight unseen, after one telephone call. I had my mother send him a check, I sent him the paperwork. He was then slow to responding to emails or calls, but after I ...ahem, jumped him in an email, he has been nothing but wonderful, when I met with him to sign/electronically, I had an instant good rappor with him.

          I have since, and this is all in a 2 month period, gone to him with my mothers estate planning, (we went today). Mom is 76 and in ill health, he was calm, collected, humorous and informative. He has us on the right road probate wise and is doing it for dirt cheap. He is with a downtown firm of Austin, Texas and they have an office in Houston, Texas.

          The only conflict between he and I washad was initiated by me and my paranoia about attorneys. I've worked for them for 30 years!

          I'm glad I went ... signt unseen, paid upfront, and I put all my trust in him.
          11/09 FICO - 735 ~ 01/10 FICO 545


            well I'm glad you found one you feel confident with..

            The town where I live is... stranded.... I searched bankruptcy lawyers on the internet in my area and... came up about 3 only. so sad.

            I went with the one who is supposed to be the best one around, charges $1500 for ch 7, and he seems to be good at it.......but the staff! ugh the staff.... I call w/ a question and they say I'll call you back in 15 min... never call....

            I wanted to interview a law firm that do bk (and a bunch of other law stuff...) but I'm not sure yet.... also they charge $150 for initial interview and 2300 p/ch 7....

            aishhh if at least i could have many to choose from...


              that's way overpriced.
              filed ch7 May 09
              341 june 09
              discharged, closed Aug 09


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