I met with a lawyer on Thursday thinking I would want to file a Chapter 13. After discussing my situation with him - filing separately from my husband and both vehicles and the home are in his name only - he thinks I am a good candidate for a Chapter 7. 7 sounds fine, I'm just scared that they would possibly try to come after his cars and the house. If we file 13, he estimates my payment would be around $750 and I think he's full of it, cause I can guarantee I don't have that left over every month.
Curious as to what your thoughts are. Do I sound like I'm a good candidate for a no-asset chapter 7? Just a tad bit scared and wanting to file this week...
Curious as to what your thoughts are. Do I sound like I'm a good candidate for a no-asset chapter 7? Just a tad bit scared and wanting to file this week...