Our lawyer wants a list of what we spend. We don't have a normal rent and utilities yet because we are staying with the in-laws. What am I missing or do I have too much $$ in. We are a family of 5. I appreciate any input. Thanks
450 Tithe
500 Rent(contribution)
83 Car Insurance
125 for two cell phones
20 Gym Dues
48 Weight Watchers
360 Gas two cars
40 Toll
50 Car Maintenance
80 Cigs
100 Dog Food, Supplies, Vet visit broken down into monthly
600 Groceries
100 Toiletries
45 Co pays
200 Clothing
100 Recreation
100 Gifts broken down to monthly for all holidays and special occasions.
450 Tithe
500 Rent(contribution)
83 Car Insurance
125 for two cell phones
20 Gym Dues
48 Weight Watchers
360 Gas two cars
40 Toll
50 Car Maintenance
80 Cigs
100 Dog Food, Supplies, Vet visit broken down into monthly
600 Groceries
100 Toiletries
45 Co pays
200 Clothing
100 Recreation
100 Gifts broken down to monthly for all holidays and special occasions.