i truly appreciate all of your information. I want to be prepared as possible. I think if we wait a month or two, which we would probably have to - to come up w/ lawyer fees & such - that we may get below the median but just a little; maybe only by a few hundred dollars or so.
I wish I was able to settle w/ my creditors but I don't have access to large amounts of money nor do I have anything of any value to sell to raise funds.
I'm at the end of my rope & don't know where to go or what to do.
i truly appreciate all of your information. I want to be prepared as possible. I think if we wait a month or two, which we would probably have to - to come up w/ lawyer fees & such - that we may get below the median but just a little; maybe only by a few hundred dollars or so.
I wish I was able to settle w/ my creditors but I don't have access to large amounts of money nor do I have anything of any value to sell to raise funds.
I'm at the end of my rope & don't know where to go or what to do.