Due to a loss of employment a couple of months ago, I quit paying my mortgage and am planning for a possible foreclosure. If no employment is found within the next few months, will probably be filing a chapter 7 BK. Because of a severance package and vacation payout, I will not be able to make it under the means test cutoff for a single person until probably july or august. In the meantime, I usually take out $100-200 from the ATM every 2 weeks or so for everyday miscellaneous expenses..........and other little things that come up.
Does this look suspect or reak of fraud when I go to file??? I usually use a debit card for groceries, gas, and most other expenses, but nothing can replace having cash in the wallet sometimes (for the occasional red bull at the gas station, or a starbucks coffee once a week, take-out chinese food occasionally, stuff like that). I just don't want to get myself into trouble by ATM withdrawals every other week or so.
Does this look suspect or reak of fraud when I go to file??? I usually use a debit card for groceries, gas, and most other expenses, but nothing can replace having cash in the wallet sometimes (for the occasional red bull at the gas station, or a starbucks coffee once a week, take-out chinese food occasionally, stuff like that). I just don't want to get myself into trouble by ATM withdrawals every other week or so.