I have retained a lawyer after much research, but am still hesitant about filing Chapter 7 -
I am unemployed, laid off 3 years ago, and not making enough (temp jobs) to make ends meet anymore. Problem is, although C7 is justified, and I meet the means test, I am worried about using up my option to file because there could be medical issues down the road.
I.e. - I am over 60 years old, meager or no medical insurance due to unemployment, but finding I probably need the relief of filing near term just to survive. I am giving up my condo.
If I do file, and I have some medical problem in the future (a stroke over the stress of this!!!)..............whats the worst that can happen? Is it that a hospital can turn me away if I don't have cash??? or that I would be liable for all medical debt because I can only file bk once every 7 or 8 years? I hate to go into retirement age with this risk. Maybe I can stay healthy.
Any opinions? Thanks, wish I could sleep nights..............
I am unemployed, laid off 3 years ago, and not making enough (temp jobs) to make ends meet anymore. Problem is, although C7 is justified, and I meet the means test, I am worried about using up my option to file because there could be medical issues down the road.
I.e. - I am over 60 years old, meager or no medical insurance due to unemployment, but finding I probably need the relief of filing near term just to survive. I am giving up my condo.
If I do file, and I have some medical problem in the future (a stroke over the stress of this!!!)..............whats the worst that can happen? Is it that a hospital can turn me away if I don't have cash??? or that I would be liable for all medical debt because I can only file bk once every 7 or 8 years? I hate to go into retirement age with this risk. Maybe I can stay healthy.
Any opinions? Thanks, wish I could sleep nights..............