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Worried About Bank Account Seizure

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    Worried About Bank Account Seizure

    I live in Illinois. My Ch7 filing is 2-3 months away (median income/means test reasons). A CA is representing a hospital I owe some money to (just me, not spouse). The CA activity started one month ago and I have so far responded with a dispute letter on the amount. I'm not sure what happens next?

    I'm concerned that I may be sued and my joint bank account may be seized. We've got about $5,000 in the account. I've read where I can take money out of the account and spend it but my needs for the money are post BK, moving, security deposits, etc. Other than paying on taxes, routine expenses and my attorney I really don't have anything I need or want to spend money on.

    I may be overly concerned that things may happen sooner than later since it is a local debt and a local CA (the CA is part of a local attorney's office).

    Other than pulling money out of the account and sticking it under the mattress is there a way to protect the cash?

    Am I overly concerned that things may happen pre BK and I'm out of money?

    My attorney is rather unconcerned about this. His attitude has been pretty much fend off the creditors as best you can but call right away if I do get sued. He says he can buy 60-90 days worst case 30.

    Any strategies? Experiences?

    Don't expect anyone to achieve a garnishment before you file if you intend to file in less than 90 days.
    Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


      You can purchase an IRA which are exempt from BK and Judgements.
      Filed CH7 Feb 12 2010
      341 March 18
      Discharged...May 18
      Awaiting closing...


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