My wife and I are considering filing BK. We are meeting with a few lawyers next week, and I wanted to get your opinion on a couple of matters. First, we do not have any major purchases outside of our adoptions costs. We paid the 1st half of the costs in March of 09' of about 9000.00 (which we put on a CC and have made all of the payments since then), back then, our family had intended to assist in the rest of the costs when we were matched. Well, our families were not able to help out and we were matched in July of 09. Long story short, our daughter was placed with us in Dec 09, at which time our 2nd half of the adoption payment was due (another 9000.00 which we put on our CC as well). There has been an additional 4000-5000 dollars of birth mother expenses we have incurred from July-Dec. We have been current with all of our CC payments (about 80,000 totalin CC debt) until Feb. I couldn't pay the minimum on one of my cards (not the one with the adoption fees on it) and I can no longer play the minimum payment game that I have been able to for the past 5-6 years. In addition, we are in our 6th month of trial payments for our Home Affodability program and are still waiting to hear if we have been apporved or denied. The problem is that if we are denied, then we will be reponsible to pay the difference between what our trail payments and our mortgage payments (right now would be about 8000).. So needless to say we are considering filing. So will I have to wait the 6 months in order to file without any "red Flags?" or will they not consider this a "luxury" purchase. Thanks for your advice in advance