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jamesd1967: If you listed your landlord and you want to continue to live in the home or apartment, then you should contact your landlord and tell them that you intend to continue to live in the home/apartment and ask if they want you to sign a new lease for the remaining term or if they're fine with you just continuing to pay based on the previous lease.
I am an attorney, but I am just not your attorney.
As such, any statement is not intended to create an attorney/client relationship.
Indeed, if you're not month to month, so your lease ended up on Schedule G, you may want to look into how one gets the lease assumed in your district -- it may involve filing a motion. Just signing a new one might be easiest in the end! My landlord is not sophisticated about the legalities so I actually just ignored the issue -- I didn't have a statement of intention, I'll keep on paying rent, she'll remain happy. My last landlord was like that, too -- the lease expired and we just continued behaving as if it hadn't. A lawyer probably wouldn't recommend that course of action though. (-: It would probably be worth pro-actively contacting your landlord and reassuring them. Before we even filed I made it clear to ours that our bankruptcy was to do with old consumer debt and nothing to do with our present circumstances.
Your creditors can contact you, they're just not supposed to do anything that resembles attempting to collect on the debt that falls under the bankruptcy stay, but I'd expect they could legimitately ask you if you intend to reaffirm or something without being in contempt.