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chap. 7 means test exemption

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    chap. 7 means test exemption

    Has anyone used the US Reservist/National Guard exemption to qualify for 7?
    If so could you give me details of what you must show. is it release of active duty date only? thank you.

    Don't think there is such a thing. There are certain things aimed at veterans and military that exempts you from the means test, but you will still be subject to scrutiny that boils down to the same thing. You may or may not qualify for a 7, there is no gimme 7 for anyone.
    First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


      Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
      Don't think there is such a thing. There are certain things aimed at veterans and military that exempts you from the means test, but you will still be subject to scrutiny that boils down to the same thing. You may or may not qualify for a 7, there is no gimme 7 for anyone.
      Actually on the Nolo means calculator on the side bar there is a exemption and we fit it. the bk lawyer says it's new (2008) so they need to review it. i did the regular means test anyway and we pass (sad). i am wondering with these calculators are they accurate? i guess once the attorney has the paper work we will know. interesting though.


        oh, one more thing,when you say scrutiny, is it really hard to qualify for 7? the numbers really speak for themselves, but now i am worried they can be really picky? thanks for any input.


          Well, the NOLO just tells you that you don't have to take the means test. I didn't either since I am a disabled vet. I came out 1800 over per month, but first lawyer had me in a 13 paying 2400. So yes, it is hard. If you have a house and kids you can likely get a 7 because there are a lot of "acceptable" expenses that you are allowed.
          First consult: You go now, no CH 7 for you. You spent entire buffet. 13 has a 95 percent payback. (Owwwch) On to next consult....


            Originally posted by flyinbroke View Post
            Well, the NOLO just tells you that you don't have to take the means test. I didn't either since I am a disabled vet. I came out 1800 over per month, but first lawyer had me in a 13 paying 2400. So yes, it is hard. If you have a house and kids you can likely get a 7 because there are a lot of "acceptable" expenses that you are allowed.
            thank you flyingbroke. yes, house and kids, so i am keep my fingers crossed we pass. we looked at 13 to try and save the house, what a joke, why bother. i am getting less emotional about this only after 2 years of being a wreck, thank goodness. i so appreciate this forum


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