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not signing reaffirmation agreement

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    Originally posted by housepoor View Post
    Thanks. That's what I am hoping to do. We are financed through Chrystler though so I'm thinking they'll eventually take it any way if we don't reaffirm but still make payments. I'm just hoping they wait till after discharge because we don't have the cash to get one right now and will probably take a loan on the 401k to get a cheap replacer. If they never come get it that would be great since our payment is reasonable but I don't think we'll get that lucky. Only reason I don't want to reaffirm is because there is still 4-5 years on the loan and it's already got issues.
    As long as you pay on time they won't take away the car.


      Originally posted by housepoor View Post
      That's my understanding too, Chrystler and Ford are the ones coming to get the cars. Of course we have Chrystler. My lawyer did say that if we really didn't want to reaffirm but wanted to keep the car and keep paying we could sign the reaffirmation and that he wouldn't. Then when the case came up for us not to show and he would revoke the reaffirmation since on paper it poses a hardship. Then since him and the judge didn't sign it it wouldn't be legal. He said that this usually shuts them up since we made every attempt to reaffirm with them and just can't due to the system. Then they usually let you keep it and just keep paying. Hubby and I are currently weighing the pros and cons to keeping it.
      Be careful. Obama owns Chrysler too. I doubt Rahm Emanuel would fall for your attorney's strategy and he has been known to send dead fish to people who irk him.
      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


        To Housepoor regarding Logan advice

        Yes, like Logan says, you may not have to worry- every situation is a little different. You made an attempt to reaffirm and could not work it out with the creditor. You have made an attempt in good faith. You followed the rules but it did not work out. From what I have read elsewhere online, sometimes you can get some sympathy from the judge, or something like that for your attempt, so creditor may back off. I tried to work out a reaffirmation, but because my credit union is greedy, with an all or nothing attitude toward the debtor I was not able to work out my reaffirmation, and most of the rules of bankruptcy are not enforceable with the credit unions. The credit unions have unique protections, I have no glimmer of hope at avoiding the car getting picked up after discharge. without a redemption. However, in your case it sounds like you could have a point or two working for you,a glimmer of hope for you?


          Those credit unions are impossible. We had a credit card with them, thank goodness no vehicles with them.


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