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Business is not getting any better so next month I have to drop my health insurance

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    Business is not getting any better so next month I have to drop my health insurance

    Its really sad that I will be the one of the uninsured as of March 1st.
    I haven't filed yet (its been 1.5 years since I've paid a cc).
    My stupid HMO is charging me $832. a month and there just ain't no money left..
    So its a, food, healthcare.
    This is my last month paying on my insurance and I'm getting everything checked..
    Got ear surgery last week (tubes in my ears) and my ear dr. wanted me to do a sleep study.
    Getting blood check for pre diabetes...
    So my question is....will I get into trouble if I include the hospital and sleep clinic bill ( what insurance doesn't cover) in my BK?
    Thanks..I feel like since I knew I'm filing I feel like a crook..but I really need this done and I hardly ever used my healthcare...

    Hubby was laid off, we used my insurance but in the BCBS state of PPO"S Missouri it still cost us far too much. On one income and a long term layoff your pretty much wiped out without medical coming along. We had his on a charge card and we took it down when we went under, along with some bills from labs that were not on the card. Nothing was said, medical can not be helped, unless of course is is elective like a face lift.. lol Sorry about you losing your coverage, I feel for anyone that is going thru this. We have our coverage, but we can't afford to use it so it is only going to help if we have a major medical emergency. Right now the 300.00 sounds small compared to yours, and the deducatable is high to us as well as the total out of pocket at about 12,000.00 this year I feel like I might as well not have any. I hope things turn around for you and yours..


      Originally posted by ready2puke View Post
      Its really sad that I will be the one of the uninsured as of March 1st.
      I haven't filed yet (its been 1.5 years since I've paid a cc).
      My stupid HMO is charging me $832. a month and there just ain't no money left..
      So its a, food, healthcare.
      This is my last month paying on my insurance and I'm getting everything checked..
      Got ear surgery last week (tubes in my ears) and my ear dr. wanted me to do a sleep study.
      Getting blood check for pre diabetes...
      So my question is....will I get into trouble if I include the hospital and sleep clinic bill ( what insurance doesn't cover) in my BK?
      Thanks..I feel like since I knew I'm filing I feel like a crook..but I really need this done and I hardly ever used my healthcare...
      No problem so long as you aren't opting for elective cosmetic surgeries.

      $832 monthly doesn't sound too bad. Are there other cuts you can make in your budget to avoid losing your coverage?
      Well, I did. Every one of 'em. Mostly I remember the last one. The wild finish. A guy standing on a station platform in the rain with a comical look in his face because his insides have been kicked out. -Rick


        I feel for you. My monthly payment is about 1500 for a family of 3. Our total out of pocket every year is roughly 22k-25k, for prescriptions, copays, etc.

        Wish I had some advice. Wish I had some ideas. There are many of us in that boat.
        11-20-09-- Filed Chapter 7
        12-23-09-- 341 Meeting-Early Christmas Gift?


          You can include the medical bills that were not paid by your insurance in your bankruptcy.

          I am sorry that you have to cancel your insurance. That is happening to far too many people these days.
          You can't take a picture of this. It's already gone. ~~Nate, Six Feet Under


            Thanks everyone..that 832.00 is just for me a single

            business owner. So I think thats amazing high. Just had ear surgery a couple of weeks ago and had tubes put in my ears.. My ear doc said she would only change me 33.00 for any office visits. She knows my situaltion.. What a doll she is.
            We do have a clinic that seems nice. They charge you on a sliding scale and sometimes its I'm happy its there for me..
            Being in Ca. is tough for insurance since we can't go out of state for it...


              I know how you feel. Mine is high too (not as bad as yours). Its now $494/month (for one person - me). Too much!!!! I am going to cancel mine too if I don't find something a lot cheaper (just major med) soon. I am pretty healthy. I went to the doctor three times last year, had some blood tests and a mammogram. Insurance only paid for the mammogram. Everything else: doctor visits, medicines, etc was within the deductible ($1,500) and I never even used all the deductible. So I paid nearly $6,000 last year - for nothing. Plus I paid all my other med expenses. I think I'd be better off without it, if I could save the money for emergencies.
              Filed Ch 7 -- July 9, 2008
              341 mtg ---- August 14, 2008
              Discharged ---- October 17, 2008
              Closed --------- December 11, 2009!


                Wife and I were paying $1,400 a month for our family of 4 though the school district. We are all healthy and hardly ever go to the doctor other than for checkups. So this year we have switched to a PPO HSA plan on our own (not a group plan from our school district). It's $288 a month and you pay everything out of your HSA account (which you fund on your own) till you hit your deductibles ($4,500 individual, $9,000 family) then they pay for 100% beyond that.

                Old plan (healthy or not it's the same):
                $16,800 for the year regardless of what happens

                New plan best case (save $13,334 over old plan):
                $3,456 for the year with no visits other than annual physicals which are covered.

                New plan worst case (still save $4,344 over old plan):
                $12,456 if something bad happens and we hit the 9k family max out of pocket + monthly $288.

                Our goal is to take some of the monthly savings and roll it into the HSA account so we can get at least the $4,500 individual deductible in there over time. This is a huge change for us and its much nicer having that extra cash each month. Yet we are still covered in case something catastrophic happens.
                Filed Chapter 7: 06/09/09
                341 Meeting: 07/16/09
                Discharged: 09/21/09
                Case Closed: 09/25/09


                  Hey Debt, I'm going to look into that before I cancel...thanks...


                    Debt which healthcare did you go with.. I did a google search and it seems Athem raises the cost almost as soon as you get in..most people aren't happy with them..
                    I never thought I


                      Hi Debt which healthcare plan did you go with? I did a google search on reviews and found Athem is pretty crappy...they hike your premium almost right way and keep on raising them, once you in...I'm not even sure anyone will take me...


                        I went with HealthNet... I think it's the Optimum Advantage HSA 4500 plan.

                        This is old (2006) but it will give you an idea of what types of issues will raise your premiums or prevent you from even getting coverage:

                        Filed Chapter 7: 06/09/09
                        341 Meeting: 07/16/09
                        Discharged: 09/21/09
                        Case Closed: 09/25/09


                          Wow - looks like I would be denied based on that, even though I consider myself pretty healthy. Guess if you've never had anything more serious than a cold, maybe you could get it. Health insurance is a monumental rip-off anyway. Oh well.
                          Filed Ch 7 -- July 9, 2008
                          341 mtg ---- August 14, 2008
                          Discharged ---- October 17, 2008
                          Closed --------- December 11, 2009!


                            Health insurance sucks... the whole system just sucks. And yes they are picky as hell if you aren't coming in via a group plan with your work.
                            Filed Chapter 7: 06/09/09
                            341 Meeting: 07/16/09
                            Discharged: 09/21/09
                            Case Closed: 09/25/09


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